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砌一座堡垒。Build a fort.

创建您所知道的。Build what you know.

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一起搭积木。Build Legos together.

建造一个安乐窝。Build a comfort zone.

还是盖一座城堡?Or to build a castle?

与他们建立关系。to build our own ties.

它们扩展建立。They broaden and build.

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创建一个紧急小金库。Build an emergency fund.

想补充蛋白质练出肌肉线条?Protein to Build Muscle?

任何人都可以构建服务。Anyone can build a ervice.

打造帝豪集团品牌。Build Royal Group's brand.

我们来造树房子吧!Let's build a tree house !

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筑巢修建或占有一个巢…To build or occupy a nest.

建立人际沟通技巧。Build interpersonal skills.

用铁栏把它建筑起来。Build it up with iron bars.

依靠你的美好记忆。Build on the good memories.

别把我夸得太过分了。Don't build me up too much.

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我建起巨大的石棺。I build massive sarcophagi.

王林个头高,中等身材。Wang Lin is tall and build.

为什么要用楠竹来建住宅?Why build houses in bamboo?