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是吧,不管怎样?Why not, whatever?

我爱买啥买啥。I buy whatever I like.

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我相信什么,我就是什么。I’m whatever I believe.

你说什么都行,弗瑞德。Whatever you say, Fred.

或者随便说些起作用的话语。or whatever words work.

做任何我想做的事情。Ican do whatever I want!

比如说最方便。Whatever is the easiest.

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我最不想看到的就是。is ok with me. Whatever.

我所有的东西都是你的。Whatever l have is yours.

无论是什么,放下它们。Whatever it is, let it go.

我认为什么顺序都行。I think it is just whatever.

不管你做哪一个,都别等。Whatever you do, don’t wait.

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但究竟什么是“良法”?But whatever is the Fine Law?

东台到底发生了什么?Whatever happened to Dongtan?

你爹说的什么都对吗?Is whatever your pa say right?

不管是什么,都要把它记下来。Whatever it is, write it down.

无论怎样,还是感谢大卫一家。Whatever thank for the Davids.

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无论我们现在做什么都太晚了。Whatever we do now is too late.

我不在乎,你想要什么。I don't care. Whatever you want.

我大牛有问必答。I'll answer whatever you ask me.