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他爱好文学。He loves literature.

看一下文学作品Look at the literature.

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我还用它看文学名著。I also use it as literature.

读一读成功故事。Read the success literature.

你喜欢英国文学吗?Do you like British literature?

印度创立了叙事诗文学。India produced epic literature.

他靠卖文活命。He found a living in literature.

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这一章与文学的联系最紧密。It relates with literature most.

这是一种口头文学。It was a declamatory literature.

我们谈到了英国文学。We talked of English literature.

他一心致志于文学。He devoted his life to literature.

我爱好音乐和文学。I am fond of music and literature.

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文学的本质是形象。Literature is, by nature, imaginal.

文献综述部分有二篇。There are two literature summaries.

幻想是少年的文学。Fantasy is literature for teenagers.

你对艺术或文学的品味。And your tastes in art or literature.

第二章为文献探讨。Chapter two is the Literature Review.

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他的专业是比较文学。He majored in comparative literature.

我不喜欢当代文学。I don't like contemporary literature.

文献综述部分有三篇。There are three literature summaries.