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讽刺的是,它的人文主义人性。The irony of humanism is that it dehumanizes.

这就是无神论者和人道主义的谎言。Well that is the lie of atheism and humanism.

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同时,它又包含着一种新的人文精神。However, It contains a new spirit of humanism.

詹姆士的真理观具有人本主义特征。His theory of truth has characteristics of humanism.

儿童本位观念源于西方人文主义思潮。The children-oriented idea came from western humanism.

正义战胜邪恶的道理,从而实现人文主义的理想美。And therefore the ideal beauty of humanism is realized.

十四世纪意大利人文主义思潮的开端。The Beginnings of Humanism in Fourteenth-Century Italy.

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“受动性”是马克思早期人学思想中的一个重要概念。"Suffering" is one of Marx's early concepts of humanism.

孙犁的“为人生”文学主张的核心是人道主义。The point of Sun Li's proposition in literature is humanism.

其次是充满人道精神的人文主义和人文关怀。On the other hand, it is full of humanism and human thoughts.

说实在话,人道主义有两种完全不同的意义。In reality, the word humanism has two very different meanings.

精致的样式和风格,充满了人文主义和关怀。It was exquisite in style and form, full of humanism and love.

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在过了超过30年的时间里,人文主义从中国人的思维里消失了。For over three decades, humanism vanished from Chinese thinking.

世俗人文主义成为菁英界的主要信仰。Secular Humanism has emerged as the dominant faith of the elite.

求真、崇善、尚美、达圣是医学人文价值的本质。The humanism value of medicine is good at caring for human life.

作品贯穿了尊重“人”、护“人”,以“人”为中心的思想,体现了人文主义精神。It reflects the humanism that centers on humans and their values.

所有这些都说明了金庸深藏于心底的人道主义精神。All these explain the humanism spirit hiding deep in Jin Yong's heart.

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它难道不会有向各种种族人文主义倾斜的危险吗?Does it not run the risk of slipping into a variety of ethical humanism?

雅斯贝尔斯是20世纪德国著名的人本主义教育家。Jaspers was a famous humanism educationist of Germany in the 20 th Century.

技术理性、人文精神与文学现代性。Second, technological rationality , humanism and modernization of literature.