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一个小型的离心式鼓风机。A small centrifugal blower.

用于大型低压离心式冷水机组中。Used in large, low pressure centrifugal chillers.

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很多斗式起落机为离心卸货范例。Many bucket elevators are centrifugal discharge type.

离心泵为管道式离心泵。The centrifugal pump is a pipe type centrifugal pump.

专业化加大了社会的离心力。Specialism enhances the centrifugal forces in society.

三刀离心式封口,保证封口的牢固、美观。Three knifes centrifugal sealing, ensure firm and beauty.

甩干机用离心力让衣服变干。The spin-drier use centrifugal force to made the cloth dry.

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TMDB型土豆输送泵,为单级、单吸,固液两相流卧式离心泵。TMDB type pump it is a centrifugal pump of single nd couple.

那麽,这个向心力就只能是由电磁力提供的了。Then, the centrifugal force will be the electromagnetic force.

你能在这张纸上的大圆里画个离心园吗?Can you draw a centrifugal circle in the big circle on this paper?

研究离心中间包离心室旋流发生的方法。The generation of swirling flow in a centrifugal tundish is studied.

一个小型的离心式鼓风机。这种偏转将在夏季进行。A small centrifugal blower. That excursion was carried out in summer.

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鸡蛋蛋白粉的生产,多用喷雾干燥法。The centrifugal spray drying process of eeg albumen powder was studied.

同时提出了减小离心力作用的方法。Meanwhile, a measure is taken to reduce the action of centrifugal force.

试验结果表明离心喷雾干燥为最佳的亚麻胶干燥方法。Centrifugal spray drying seems to be the best drying way of FLAXSEED GUM.

所述的高压二极管安装在离心风扇的进风口处。The high voltage diode is arranged at the air inlet of the centrifugal fan.

采用该方法对一比转数为84.8的离心泵进行优化。A centrifugal pump with special speed of 84.8 was optimized with the method.

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结论LBNP所产生的生理学效应与离心机效应相似。Conclusion The physiological effect of LBNP is similar to centrifugal effect.

单吸、单级卧式离心泵,用封闭叶轮。Single suction, single stage horizontal centrifugal pump with closed impeller.

为了将蔗糖晶体从糖膏中分离出来,就必须进行分蜜操作。Sugar crystal is separated from brown sugar by means of centrifugal operation.