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驾驶员与副驾驶位人员受伤程度较重。The driver and copilot were injured heavier.

你们还需要一个副驾驶你还是个驾驶员?You are going to need a copilot You're a pilot too?

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她说,她的想象中的“副驾驶”引导她到安全。She said her imaginary "copilot" guided her to safety.

你们还需要一个副驾驶你还是个驾驶员?What I also said was that every pilot needs a copilot.

副机长回到驾驶室请示机长该怎么做。The copilot returned to the cockpit and asked the captain what he should do.

副驾驶斯诺迪来到飞机的后部很快看了一下,以确保唐尼和费克图准备好了。Copilot Snoddy came back momentarily to the rear of the aircraft to make sure Downey and Fecteau were ready.

每个飞机的机队需要有一个分配给它的船员,其中包括一个试点,副驾驶和领航员。Each airplane in the fleet needs to have a crew assigned to it, consisting of a pilot, copilot , and navigator.

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目前,只有7名机组人员依然健在,包括一号轰炸机副驾驶理查德·科尔上校。Today, there are only seven of them still alive, including Colonel Richard E. Cole, the copilot of aircraft No. 1.

最后,卢克升级了R2-D2的存储器,让这个机器人在“隐形X”战斗机上担任自己的宇航技工副驾驶。Luke eventually gave R2-D2 a memory upgrade that allowed the droid to serve as his astromech copilot aboard a StealthX fighter.

终于,她成了一名私人飞机的驾驶员,并且,还获得了,驾驶货运飞机甚至短途客机所必需的资格证书,但是,始终只能做一位副驾驶。She became a private pilot and then got the necessary ratings to fly air freight and even commuter planes, but always as a copilot.

该机的EFIS玻璃座舱将安装8×10英寸液晶显示器,更便于飞行员与飞机间的信息传递。For example, its EFIS glass cockpit will incorporate active matrix 8-by-10-inch LCDs, to facilitate pilot and copilot presentations.

副驾驶员告诉驾驶员说,他是否应该请警察在机场等着抓人,等飞机降落的时候,就把这个不明事理的美女抓起来。The copilot tells the pilot that he probably should have the police waiting when they land to arrest this blonde woman that won't listen to reason.

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这从根本上决定了不仅主驾驶需要安全气囊,副驾驶与后排座位也需要侧气囊的保护。This had fundamentally decided not only advocates driving to need the security aerocyst , the copilot and the back row seat also needs to lean the aerocyst protection.

服务员只好到驾驶舱,告诉驾驶员和副驾驶员说有个经济舱的金发女郎就坐在头等舱那里,就是不愿回到自己的座位上。The flight attendant goes into the cockpit and tells the pilot and copilot that there is some blonde sitting in First Class who belongs in Economy and won't move back to her seat.