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多么阴沉沉的一天啊!What a dreary day!

我讨厌干燥沉闷的天气。I hate these dry dreary days.

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象梦一般地凄婉迷茫。Dreary and blank like a dream.

灵活是幽暗而郁悒。And the day is dark and dreary.

有些日子肯定幽暗而郁悒。Some days must be dark and dreary.

太阳透过阴云照耀着。The sun beamed throught the dreary clouds.

看上去一天都会阴沉沉的。It looks like it’s going to be a dreary day.

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那听起来正是个沉闷的周六。AThat certainly sounds like a dreary Saturday.

魔王的女儿们在那阴郁的角落?The Erl King's daughters at that dreary place?

一个凄婉的故事造就了一个美丽的日子。It was a dreary story, but a beautiful day now.

没有了目的,人生便暗淡无光。What makes life dreary is the want of a motive.

老是抄写手稿是件枯燥乏味的差事。Copying manuscripts all the time is dreary work.

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亏弱的讲话者在萧条的山峰上发布了演说。The weak speaker made a speech on the dreary peak.

住宅区房屋的千篇一律令我觉得糟透了。The dreary uniformity of the housing estate appals.

邮车到达伦敦是在天已昏暗的五点钟。The mail reached London at the dreary hour of five.

我不无聊赖得听着她说她的各种病。I listened to her dreary talk about her many illnesses.

爸爸的葬礼在黎明进行,天空阴云密布,非常沉重。The morning of Dad's funeral dawned overcast and dreary.

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在他们的冷脸的包围下,去跟死亡相遇可多惨啊!How dreary to meet death, surrounded by their cold faces!

他还得在心灵的凄凉的路上重新走一遍,把它找出来。He must go the dreary round of his mind again and find out.

即使阴雨作伴让我们流泪著欢笑。Even if accompanied with dreary day let us smile with teats.