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他们最终和解了。They finally selled it amicably.

请转告三井公司化学部,此事已获圆满解决。Mitsubishi firm chemical Dept case settled amicably already.

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母亲和父亲和善得离婚,可能会说,“我自私?”"Selfish, moi?" Mother and Father, amicably divorced, might say.

给贵方造成诸多麻烦深感不安,希望此事能友好解决。We have bring great trouble to you we hope this matter will be amicably settled.

请转告三井公司化学部,此事已获圆满解决。Transmit following to Mitsubishi firm chemical Dept case settled amicably already.

雨水仍然充足的时候,酋长的牧民和定居的农人们一直和平共处。Until the rains began to fail, the sheikh’s people lived amicably with the settled farmers.

四年之前,一位五十岁的中西部居民佩吉·桑切斯,和丈夫平静分手,当时他患有纤维组织肌痛症。Four years ago, Peggy Sanchez, 50, a Midwestresident, parted amicably from her husband, who has fibromyalgia.

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所有在运输途中引起的纠纷都将通过友好协商,妥善加以解决。All disputes arising in the course of the consignment period shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation.

一切因执行本合同所发生的与本合同有关之争执,双方应友好协商解决。All disputes in connection with the Contract or the execution thereof shall be amicably settled through negotiation.

施密兹夫人会惊异地问候我,聆听我为我那怪异的行为道歉,并亲切地道别的。Frau Schmitz would greet me with surprise, listen to me apologize for my strange behavior, and amicably say goodbye.

上海分公司给我提示,对于你公司办事要公平,要和你友好解决问题,可是有一个条件,卫生检疫所官员发的证书要给我们。Branch to settle this issue with you amicably on condition that you give us a certificate issued by your Health Department.

1981年,急于结婚的卢埃林与时装设计师塔尼娅·索斯金订婚,这。The affair ended amicably in 1981, when Llewellyn, who was eager to marry, became engaged to fashion designer Tania Soskin.

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鸟儿结队掠过山楂篱梢,天鹅、苍鹭、野鸭、红松鸡在金斯浜平静的水面上友好地相处。Birds skim the tops of hawthorn hedges and swans, heron, wild duck and moorhen share quite amicably the quiet water of Kingsfleet.

此意向书书为双方合作的依据,未尽事宜甲乙双方另行协商解决。This letter of intent is the basis of cooperation. Other issues excluded should be negotiated and settled amicably by both parties.

发言人在声明中称,“谢里丹和波顿友好地解除了婚约。”"Nicollette Sheridan and Michael Bolton have amicably ended their engagement," Nicole Perna, a publicist for the actress, said in a statement.

因执行本协议所发生的或与本协议有关的一切争论,双方应友好协商解决或诉论于法律。All disputes arising out of the performance of, or relating to this agreement, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation or appeal to law.

如各方自行友善解决争议,各方应签订书面的解决协议并依约履行。If the Parties amicably settled the Dispute bythemselves, they shall enter into a settlement agreement in writingand to be duly executed by the Parties.

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我和这个即将成为我前夫的人都想尽量心平气和地处理一切事情,但是,当听到他问我是否想好带什么东西走的时候,我承认我笑了。The soon-to-be-ex and I are trying to do this as amicably as possible, but I have to admit I laughed when he asked if I’d thought about what I might want to take with me.

我们最近报道,上周五,世界冠军击中另一辆汽车,携带一个女人和她的女儿,附近的瑞士居住,并说,此事圆满解决。We reported on Friday that the reigning world champion struck another car, carrying a woman and her daughter, near his Swiss residence, and that the matter was resolved amicably.

许多美国人一般不会正面对证的地方,中国人却自由地讨论着他们的不同见解。只要双方的脸面都顾及到,结局会是相当友好的。Where Americans are typically non-confrontational, Chinese people can openly discuss their disagreements and, as long as a level of face is kept by both sides, it can end rather amicably.