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果岭坪床内部排水系统是否良好?Do the greens drain well internally?

进水口是安装在里面的。The water intake is internally mounted.

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这一信息只在内部张贴。The position was posted internally only.

它们可以指向内部或外部。They can point internally or externally.

库克在公司内部有很高的认同度。is very highly regarded internally at Apple.

在国内流离失所的人和无国籍的人士也是调查的对象。So were internally displaced and stateless people.

存储在非挥发性记忆体总内部。Store the total internally in non volatile memory.

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我们内部的说法是我们在发明未来。We say internally that we’re inventing the future.

这是我们怎样从内部来组织公司。That's how we're organizing the company internally.

不被用户看到的内部工作做得好,你也可以去奖励。A job well-done internally should also earn a reward.

测试架构师会在内部审查这些方案。These are reviewed internally by the test architects.

社区可能出现在内部和外部。Communities can happen both internally and externally.

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内部配偶体不同的地钱。Liverworts with gametophyte differentiated internally.

十方丛林中的常住道士如何分工?How does a Taoist monastery organize itself internally?

二进制记数法中,内部表示为0或1的一种值。A value of0or1represented internally in binary notation.

审核可在外部或在内部执行。Audits may be performed either externally or internally.

大致说来,就是软件内部如何与数据同时工作。Basically, how software is working with data internally.

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在内部与装饰性的外立面形成完全的对比。Internally there is a total contrast to the ornate façade.

歇会儿,让心灵和身体放松,然后放手。Relax, soften up internally and physically, and let it go.

气质是内外兼修的美丽。Temperament is the work internally and externally beautiful.