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舞剑表示正义。Swordplay to express righteousness.

我还在武当山学过剑术,那时我才十岁。I also learned swordplay at Wu Dang Mountain When I was only ten years old.

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击剑联盟是一个教授各种击剑技巧的学校联盟。Swordplay Alliance is a group of schools that teach various forms of sword fighting.

一些人练习太极拳和剑术而其他人练习跑步、慢跑、散步或跟随着音乐跳舞。Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, jog, walk or dance to music.

有的打太极拳,有的练习舞剑,有的跑步,有的慢跑,有的散步,有的配合着音乐跳舞。Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, jog, walk or dance to music.

当初你父王教我们剑术时,你可是学得比我好。你刻的?When your father first taught us swordplay you were always the better pupil. Is this your work?

手中无剑,心中有剑那是舞剑的最高境界。No sword in hand while having a sword in your heart is the highest insight of performing swordplay.

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没人知道他的来历,只是听说,他喜欢对着自己的倒影练剑。It's said she practised her swordplay on her own reflection because she could find no worthier opponent.

赵文王喜欢剑术,天下有名的剑客都以得到文王的夸奖为荣。King Wen of Zhao was fond of swordplay. Swordsmen under the sun all took pride in being praised by the king.

上海实力击剑俱乐部是一所专门宣传、普及、推广击剑运动暨文化的学校。Shanghai Shili Swordplay Club is a school focus on promoting, popularizing, advocating the culture of swordplay.

击剑,集娱乐休闲、美体健身与一体,在上海正日益为年轻人、尤其是公司白领所喜爱。Swordplay which fuses entertainment, leisure, body-building together is appreciated by the office white-collared workers.

太师父也说,玉壁上显现的仙影身法剑法固然奇妙之极,然而太过模糊朦胧,又实在太快,说甚么也看不清。And my grand-shifu also said that though the swordplay was very delicate and weird, it was too vague and fast to see clearly.

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快速的各方位的旋转击打是红色道路所涉及的全部,在灵活性的基础上给你一系列的攻击。Fast-paced sidescrolling swordplay is what Way of the Red is all about, giving you an array of attacks based around mobility.

一是在叙述主题上对武侠电影进行模仿和化用的电影作品,我们称之为“叙事主题型类武侠电影”或者“侠义精神型类武侠电影”。The other one imitates the Chinese swordplay film in narration, so we call it the Narration Anolog film of Chinese swordplay.

武当剑很好地继承体现了我国传统剑术的特点,“太极腰、八卦步”是武当剑法独特的风格。The sword play of Wudang School is one of best to take on the traits of Chinese traditional technique and skill of swordplay.

由于崇拜凯瑟琳王后,索萨加入了埃拉西亚军队,并很快确立了在军中的地位。Following Queen Catherine's example, Sorsha joined the ranks of the Erathian Military, quickly proving herself as a master of swordplay.

第三,学习剑术须重视信仰,敬畏神明,由术入道。Third, the swordplay learning must emphasize faith and reverence to the gods, therefore the learners can ascent from technique level to Taoism.

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另一个出处是比起多数的莎士比亚作品有更多的剑舞在麦克白里面,那么因此,也就会有更大的机会导致一些人受伤。Another origin is that there is more swordplay in it than most other Shakespeare plays, and, therefore, more chances for someone to get injured.

他的父亲是个苦桥的武器匠,所以他是伴着钢铁交鸣的声音出生的,很早就对击剑着迷。His father had been an armorer at Bitterbridge, he said, so he had been born with the sound of steel ringing in his ears and had taken to swordplay at an early age.

通过研究,取日本剑术的优点,为促进中国剑术的发展提供理论依据和实践参考。By means of study we can take advantage of Japanese swordplay for the sake of providing a theoretical basis and practical reference to promote the development of the Chinese swordplay.