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不要超过1万国际单位维生素每一天。Do not exceed 10,000 IU of vitamin A per day.

犯罪现场调查科IU和SID也在同一时间出现,收集PE、指纹和图片。Crime scene IU and SID show up about the same time for PE, prints, and pics.

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双方每日一次的团体开始在晚上10国际单位,然后给出滴定到目标。Both once-daily groups started at 10 IU given in the evening and then titrated up to target.

他提倡我们可以用维他命D3来补充维他命D,成年人大约每天需要2000国际单位的维他命D,儿童每天也需要大约400单位的维他命D。Most adults need up to 2000 international units per day, and children need about 400 IU daily.

印第安那大学的研究人员创造了一个虚拟环境,在其中20到200人搜寻各自的理念。The IU researchers created a virtual environment in which 20 to 200 people “forage” for ideas.

本文研究了掺染料的向列相液晶中的简并四波混频。Degenerate four-wave mixing effect was studied in dye-dissolving liquid crystal iu its nematic phase.

但是,IU对于其余两首歌的努力十分可爱,引起了在场其他人的欢笑。However, IU struggled rather adorably to the rest of the songs, drawing smiles from the rest of the cast.

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健康的起源5000国际单位维生素D3是一个关键的养分吸收液高度软胶囊形式制造的。Healthy Origins Vitamin D3 5,000 IU is a key nutrient manufactured in a highly absorbable liquid softgel form.

如果有证据可能会使审判不公,法官会谨慎选择一个新的陪审团。Judges have the discretion to empanel a new iu rv if evidence has been heard which might make the trial unfair.

美国专业儿科推荐喝母乳的婴儿每天需要摄入400个国际单位的维他命D.The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that breastfed infants receive a vitamin D supplement of 400 IU per day.

用三项式取代二项式,是油气井产能试井的一种新的理论和方法。It's a new method for three term equation to take the place of two term equation iu testing the gas well deliverability.

然而,医学院建议每天51岁到70岁成年人服用400国际单位,70岁以上老年人每天600国际单位。However, the Institute of Medicine recommends 400 IU a day for adults between 51 and 70, and 600 a day for those 70 and over.

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姚校长在颁奖仪式上特别向赞助机构致送纪念品,以感谢该集团对澳门大学长期的支持。Out of gratitude for its long-term sponsorship, Rector Iu took the chance to present souvenirs to the Group's representative.

最常见的政权是一个疗程的六到十天的3-6万国际单位的青霉素每日服用三次。The most common regime is a treatment duration of six to ten days with 3-6 million IU of penicillin daily given in three doses.

褪黑素对吗啡戒断小鼠血液中卵泡刺激素、黄体生成素和睾酮的影响。Effect of melatonin on the blood follicle stimulating hormone iu teinizing hormone and testosterone of the morphine withdrawal mice.

移植后,所用患者均接受每日100mg拉米夫定另加每日肌注HBIG400或800IU为期一周的治疗,随后该治疗每月进行一次。Posttransplantation, all patients received lamivudine 100 mg daily plus IM HBIG 400 or 800 IU daily for 1 week then monthly thereafter.

上赛季的这时候你对IU说自己已经准备好争夺冠军了。但那个赛季以失望结束。你得到了什么教训吗?You spoke to IU this time last season, when you were gearing up for the title run-in. After that campaign ended in disappointment, what lessons did you learn?

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虽然研究结果一个又一个,但一些研究发现吃两克的维他命C和1000IU的维他命E可以提供额外的保护在抵抗太阳光的损伤方面提供额外的保护。Although research results vary, some studies have found that taking two grams of vitamin C and 1, 000 IU of vitamin E provides extra protection against sun damage.

他说,这项研究发现聋童的词汇学习技能受到他们早期听觉经验的强烈影响。Holton Scholar at the IU School of Medicine, said the study found that deaf children's word-learning skills were strongly affected by their early auditory experience.

Broe指出,多数患者也同时摄入多种维生素,所以最高剂量摄入组实际每日维生素D摄入量为800~1200单位。Many of the patients were also taking a multi-vitamin, Broe pointed out, so those in the highest intake group were actually getting 800 to 1,200 IU of vitamin D daily.