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你们谁知道“WTC”是什么意思?Do any of you know what "WTC" means?

梅里曼的世台会在地方和球连结,连接器和狗骨的所有连接。Merriman's WTC in place and ball link connectors and dog bone all hooked up.

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世贸中心,其中被列入,但也有两个橡胶O型圈为端盖。The WTC which was included, there were also two rubber O-rings for the end caps.

世贸中心,其中被列入,但也有两个橡胶O型圈为端盖。Thee WTC which was included, there were also two rubber O-rings for the end caps.

成千上万的纽约人受到危害世台会产生碎片和政府渎职。Thousands of New Yorkers were endangered by WTC debris—and government malfeasance.

神一直没有具体地回答我的问题,就是为什么有世贸大厦的灾难。God never did answer my question as to what the WTC disaster was specifically about.

馆内还有一位特殊的幸存者——一棵1970年栽种于世贸广场的梨树。The memorial also includes a survivor, a pear tree that was originally planted in the WTC plaza in the 1970s.

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你们在世贸中心失去了3000个同胞,然后你们侵略伊拉克,为了追捕本拉登而轰炸其他国家。You lost 3000 people at WTC and you invaded Iraq and are bombing other countries left and right in chase of the taliban.

每天的求救电话都让他想起从困在世贸中心高处的人接到的求救电话。Everyday calls for help remind him of the calls he received from people trapped on the upper floors of the WTC buildings.

印度孟买的世界贸易中心和常州的世界贸易中心应该会成为贸易合作的伙伴,共同来促成印度和中国世界贸易的发展。I hope WTC Mumbai and Changzhou will be trade partners to advance international trade development of both India and China.

描述统计、一维方差分析和独立样本t检验的结果反映了中国高校学生的英语交际意愿的主要特征。General features of WTC of Chinese college students were revealed by descriptive statistics, One-way ANOVA and t-test analyses.

16“是从世贸中心南楼撞击区幸存下来的人数,”1776“将是自由塔纪念碑的英尺高度。"16" is the number of survivors from WTC South's point of impact. "1776" is the number of feet high the Freedom Tower memorial will be.

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基于先进的SEESF软件研发平台、WTC硬件研发平台、可靠性实验平台,能快速为客户提供不同技术路线的控制系统。Customized solutions deployed in a fast fashion based on the advanced SEESF software platform, WTC hardware platform, and reliability test platform.

当穆斯林恐怖分子架飞机撞上了世贸中心、宾夕法尼亚州和五角大楼时,中国人并没有像大多数巴基斯坦人那样在街上欢呼。Chinese did not cheer in the streets when Muslim terrorists flew planes into the WTC and Pentagon and the ground in Pennsylvania like most Pakistanis did.

但悼念者的鲜花,照片塞满了水池。Two squares evoking the footprints of the WTC towers, the pools were not nearly big enough to accommodate the flowers and photos that mourners placed on them.

我很高兴,我并没有订定的价格,但是与大卫做模具,附件,船帆,整个一群金属零件,版权和世台会舱壁,她将有权325.00左右。I'm glad I didn't set the price yet but with David doing the molds, appendages, sail, and a whole bunch of metal parts, the prop and the WTC bulkheads she will be right around 325.00.

WTC研究是由疾病控制与预防中心、国家环境卫生中心和纽约市卫生局和精神卫生部赞助。The WTC study was supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Center for Environmental Health, and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.