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这是新西伯利亚最高的建筑群。This stack is the highest construction in Novosibirsk.

久闻新西伯利亚有座科学城。I have long heard about the Science City of Novosibirsk.

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这就是新西伯利亚地区连接两地十月大桥。The so-called October Bridge connects two areas in Novosibirsk.

胡锦涛是在结束对俄罗斯的访问后从新西伯利亚市抵达这里的。Hu Jintao arrived here after winding up his visit to Novosibirsk of Russia.

苏联西伯利亚西南部,鄂毕河沿岸的城市,位于新西伯利亚以南。A city of southwest Siberian U. S. S. R. on the Ob River south of Novosibirsk.

今天让我们来看一看位于新西伯利亚市核物理研究所的强子对撞机。Today we’ll have a look at a hadron collider of the Nuclear Physics Institute in Novosibirsk.

另外还有新西伯利亚和西伯利亚其他地方、甚至是哈萨克斯坦的学生来此就读。Students come from Novosibirsk and other parts of Siberia and even Kazakhstan to the southwest.

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1952年,他被流放到西伯利亚的别克茨镇长达十年,这个镇离新西伯利亚30公里。In 1952, he was exiled to Siberia for 10 years to the town of Berdsk, which was 30 km away from Novosibirsk.

这种战斗机由新西伯利亚契卡洛夫飞机制造厂制造,有一个标本交给了这个实验室。Fighter jets of this kind were constructed at Novosibirsk Chkalov aircraft factory and one specimen was given to the laboratory.

专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到新西伯利亚特价机票。The professional services industry, a sincere friend to the majority of visitors to Beijing to provide special airfares Novosibirsk.

前苏联中亚部分东部一城市,位于新西伯利亚西南,是矿区的铁路枢纽。人口262,000。A city of eastern Central Asian U. S. S. R. southwest of Novosibirsk. It is a railroad junction in a mining region. Population, 262,000.

他说,圣彼得堡、莫斯科与新西伯利亚三地的艾滋病研究中心共同组成一个专家小组,研制艾滋病疫苗。He said, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Novosibirsk three places AIDS Research Center to form a joint expert group to develop an AIDS vaccine.

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该架飞机从以色列特拉维夫飞往新西伯利亚。事故发生八天之后,乌克兰才表示对此事负责。The plane had been heading from Tel Aviv, Israel to Novosibirsk. It took eight days for Ukraine to shoulder responsibility for the incident.

他出生在西伯利亚,在4岁的时候接触到第一把小提琴,从此就展现出了过人的天赋。He was born in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk and, after being given a miniature fiddle at the age of four, displayed outstanding aptitude.

周四他代表俱乐部参加了欧联杯和西比尔的比赛,但是老霍仍然提高了对他的报价。He played in PSV's Europa League outing against Sibir Novosibirsk on Thursday, but Hodgson is still understood to have gone ahead with his bid.

同一天,遇难者家属开始陆续由新西伯利亚抵达索契,他们在当地一家旅馆的大厅里不安地来回踱步。另外一些家属将于本周日从以色列赶来。Their relatives began arriving in Sochi from Novosibirsk on Friday, pacing the halls of a local hotel. Others were expected from Israel on Sunday.

该研究所的俄罗斯科学家们正努力将其性能提高100倍。Russian scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics located in the city of Novosibirsk are trying hard to enhance LHC’s performance 100 times.

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这座桥,建造于1951年至1955年,是第一座集汽车,电车及人行道兼具的桥。This bridge, built in 1951-1955 is the first automobile, tram and pedestrian bridge over Ob in Novosibirsk. Its length is really impressive – 896 meters.

早些年,独联体和前苏联的青年数学选手仅限于参加在莫斯科或新西伯利亚举行的全苏数学奥林匹克。Earlier, a limit of ambitions for a young mathematician from the CIS and the former Soviet Union was to participate in the All-Union Olympiad in Moscow or Novosibirsk.

诺沃西比尔斯克和德国的科学家们正在将具有攻击性的老鼠的基因组和性情友善的老鼠的基因组进行比对,试图解开DNA和行为之间的联系。Scientists at Novosibirsk and in Germany are comparing the aggressive rat genome to that of rats selected for friendliness, attempting to untangle connections between DNA and behavior.