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婴儿,有沙雷菌脑膜炎病史。A neonate presents with a history of serratia meningitis.

溶血性黄疸发生于马和猪的初生幼畜。Hemolytic icterus occurs in the neonate of the horse and swine.

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结论呼吸道合胞病毒是新生儿肺炎的重要病原之一。Conclusion RSV is one of the important pathogen of neonate pneumonia.

对于新生儿HIE中半暗带的研究,现还处于初级阶段。Itisstill in the primary stage of the penumbra study in neonate with HIE.

对于新生儿HIE中半暗带的研究,现还处于初级阶段。It is still in the primary stage of the penumbra study in neonate with HLE.

目的为探讨思密达在新生儿母乳性黄疸中的作用。Objective discuss the function of smecta on neonate Breast-feeding jaundice.

结论氧氟沙星滴眼液治疗新生儿眼结膜炎临床疗效较好。Conclusion Ofloxacin eyedrop has better effect on neonate eye conjunctivitis.

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先天性跟骨外翻是新生儿最常见的姿势畸形之一。Congenital calcaneovalgus is a very common postural deformity of the neonate.

目的探讨新生儿管饲术的护理特点及效果。Objective To explore the feature and effects of nursing on gavage in neonate.

结论早产是新生儿发病和死亡的主要原因。Conclusions Premature delivery is the main causes of neonate illness and death.

目的探讨母婴同室合适的新生儿护理模式。Objective To study the suitable nursing mode of neonate in mother-newborn in room.

目的探讨新生儿脐膨出治疗方式的选择。ObjectiveTo evaluate the methods of early medical treatment for omphalocele in neonate.

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结果显示新生儿高胆红素血症主要以中脑下部损害为主。The result showed that neonate hyperbilirubinemia damaged mainly lower part of middle brain.

目的探讨新生儿胃畸胎瘤的诊断、治疗与预后。Objective To investigate the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of gastric teratoma in neonate.

结论泪囊压力注气术是治疗新生儿泪囊炎较为理想的一种自然物理疗法。Conclusion Injection of air to tear-sac is a good method in the therapy of neonate dacryocystitis.

目的探讨危重新生儿预后与应激性高血糖之间的关系。Objective To investigate the relation between stress hyperglycemia and prognosis of imminent neonate.

治疗组在此基础上采用四磨汤和小剂量红霉素联合治疗,对比两组临床疗效。While, Four group soup and small dosage of erythromycin were given to the neonate in treatment group.

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我们提报一个十三天大女婴因发烧并背部红肿一天而住院。We report a 13-day-old female neonate with necrotizing fasciitis, who presented with fever and erythema on her back.

方法应用NCPAP治疗82例新生儿呼吸衰竭患儿,并观察生命体征的变化。Methods 82 neonate infants with failure of respiration were treated by NCPAP and observed in the changes of vital signs.

通风管帮助新生儿呼吸新鲜空气,检测器则检查血管中氧浓度。A ventilator allows the neonate to breathe efficiently while a monitor checks the oxygen concentration in the bloodstream.