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你的手提箱捆好了吗?Are your suitcases strapped up?

他用一根布带捆扎手臂。He strapped his arm with a cloth strap.

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许多网络公司陷入财务困境。Many dot-coms are financially strapped.

他们用皮带把各种装备捆好。They strapped on a variety of equipment.

木箱和板条箱应该用钢带捆绑。Boxes and crates shall be steel strapped.

汤姆将鞋子捆扎在背上,以备后用。Tom strapped them to his back for later use.

卡车上的货物已牢固地绑好。The lorry's load had been securely strapped down.

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这些军事装备捆得整整齐齐。These military equipments were neatly strapped up.

谢谢。“米克一边绑好滑雪板的带子一边说,”"Thanks. " Mick said as he strapped on the skis. "

他把其中一个豺狼人的护盾绑在自己的前臂上。He strapped one of the Jackal shields to his forearm.

一条牛背上驮着两只小水桶。An ox carried two water kegs strapped across his back.

一整套装备箱可以绑缚在一辆小卡车上。An entire kit can be strapped into the back of a pickup.

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于是左慈让抓他的人绑上投入监狱。Then left kindness to grasp his people strapped in jail.

如果失败后被经济问题所困怎么办呢?How about if the failure leaves you financially strapped?

州警们只好给他束缚固定在担架上,抬走了。He was carried away in a straitjacket strapped to a stretcher.

在高于他踝关节的位置上,绑着一只插在黑色皮套里的手枪。Strapped above his ankle was a pistol in a black padded holster.

所有的行李都捆好正准备运往车站。All the luggage was strapped up and waiting to go to the station.

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我被绑在小帆布床上,不停地被戳来刺去,而视线也跟着陷入一片混乱。Strapped to my cot, poked and prodded, my vision rolled to chaos.

木须绑了一管火箭在它的背上,蟋蟀果然点燃了引线。Mushu had strapped a rocket to his back, and Cri-Kee lit the fuse.

受害者已被确认,她被捆绑在轮椅上。The victim has been identified , She was strapped to a wheelchair.