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创造“相拥时刻”。Create cuddle time.

拥抱你的孩子。Cuddle with your kids.

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沙米很喜欢玩耍与撒娇。Sammy loves to play and cuddle.

绝对不要去拥抱这个墨鱼!Don’t try to cuddle this cuttlefish.

我就从我喜欢的数字中挑一个说吧。I'm off to cuddle with one of my favorites.

我可以抱着我的小毛毯或是小布偶。I can cuddle with my blanket or stuffed animal.

抱上你的猫,头痛就会好了,贝思。Cuddle your cats and get over your headache, Bethy.

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你怀疑,这安慰可能不仅仅是拥抱一下那么简单。You suspect the comfort might have slipped beyond the cuddle.

她还是建议父母们督促自己的儿子们“抱抱洋娃娃”。" Still, she advises parents to urge their sons to "cuddle a doll.

凑在一起做数学,就跟你们凑在一起读书一样。Cuddle up and do math in the same way you cuddle up and read together.

好想让你搂着我,我们一起进入甜美的梦香!How I wish to let you cuddle me and we could have a sweet dream together.

我公司有一对情侣,每天都都是这样楼楼抱抱的。My company has a pair of lovers, every day is like building floor cuddle.

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该梅伦格拥抱是一个伟大的变化,包括你的舞蹈动作。The merengue cuddle is a great variation to include in your dance routine.

动物园游客可以乘坐狮子,拥抱熊,虎和饲料中风猎豹。Zoo visitors can ride lions, cuddle bears, stroke tigers and feed cheetahs.

你去住在一个大城市里,还有你那位英国姑娘抚爱你。You go to live in a big city and have your english girl there to cuddle you.

我想找一个好女人,一个能与我亲吻拥抱的女人”。I am looking for a nice lady, someone who I can share a kiss and cuddle with.

当情侣相互搂抱、母亲哺乳婴儿时,他们体内的催产素水平就会急速上升。When lovers cuddle or a mother breastfeeds, their levels of oxytocin shoot up.

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比如,他会在金发女士的怀抱中放声大哭,却又着迷的直盯着那有棕色头发的美颜们。He'd be crying & screaming in the cuddle of a blonde or eyeing up the brunettes.

我悄悄的向你偎,你轻轻的把我吹,落地无声的看你匆匆向他追。I quietly cuddle to you, you simply blow me, see you fall silent rush up to him.

同时,这笔交易也告诉国外投资人,除了讨好克里姆林宫,他们没有别的选择。And it tells foreign investors that they have no choice but to cuddle the Kremlin.