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山顶上升气流强度随速矢端迹曲率加大而稍有加强。Peak updraft strength is slightly enhanced with hodograph curvature.

该两个翼型处在不同的黎曼面内。These two airfoils lie on different Riemann sheets in the hodograph plane.

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在速端曲线法的应用中,一种最有用的变换是反演变换。A transformation that is most useful in the application of the hodograph method is the inversion transformation.

物理平面上的复势可当作复速度平面上的一个虚拟流动的复势来进行处理。The complex potential on the physical plane is treated as the potential of a virtual flow on the hodograph plane.

此转换关于非线性偏微分程的线性化的两个新例子亦在文中加以探讨。Two new examples are given for the linearization of nonlinear partial differential equation by the hodograph transformation.

本文给出了基于有限面积法的跨音速透平叶栅速度面反问题设计方法。This paper deals with the inverse design problem of transonic turbine cascade in the hodograph plane by the finite area method.

结合矿井开采地质条件及生产实际,建立数学物理模型,推算时距曲线、求解地层速度。Combining mining geologic condition with production practice, create physical model, predict hodograph , and compute strata velocity distribution.

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反映在三分量记录上,在没有噪音的单一信号情况下,线性极化波的矢端分布应该是一条直线。From 3-component record one can see in noise-free single signal circumstances, the hodograph distribution of linear polarization wave should present itself as a straight line.

通过速矢变换和叠加理论得到涡流管内空间流动形式由入口截面的自由涡、汇以及轴线方向的匀速运动叠加而成。Flow motion in space of the vortex tube is superposed to free vortex of inlet plane, sink and the constant axial velocity by means of hodograph transformation and superposition theory.

此转换与由京士顿及罗杰士所提出的倒置对偶转换将加以比较,而此转换的优点将被提出。The link between the hodograph transformation and the reciprocal transformation proposed by Kingston and Rogers is also studied and the merits of the hodograph transformation are pointed out.