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是什么背后的故事命名的一些“天文数字”?What was the story behind the naming of the number "googol"?

琳达要当神经外科医生可真是希望渺茫。The chances of Linda becoming a neurosurgeon are about one in a googol.

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通过固高公司GLIP2003倒立摆系统验证了设计结果,并达到较好的控制效果。The design is tested by the GLIP2003 inverted pendulum system of the Googol Technology CO.

在系统的实现过程中,还主要解决了大素数的生成以及大数运算等问题。And the generation of big prime number and the googol computation are also solved in this system.

通过固高公司GLIP2003倒立摆系统验证了设计结果,并达到较好的控制效果。The design is tested by the GLIP2003 inverted pendulum system of the Googol Technology CO. Ltd. Its performance is satisfying.

还有个更好的词,真正迷人的词——“古戈尔普勒克斯”,1个古戈尔普勒克斯是10的古戈尔次方。And there was an even better word, a real beauty—a googolplex . A googolplex was ten multiplied by ten a googol number of times.

一个星期前,他读到了拥有一个美妙名字的数字——“古戈尔”,即10的100次方。He had read the week before about a number with the wonderful name of googol . A googol was ten multiplied by ten a hundred times.

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本文以深圳固高科技有限公司生产的三自由度直升机模型为研究对象,进行控制算法及理论的研究。This dissertation did the research on control arithmetic and theory based on the 3-dof helicopter system produced by the googol tech Ltd.

基于此,本文对固高科技有限公司开发的GPM系列2-DOF并联机构的运动学关系进行了分析。Based on this, kinematics relations of GPM series 2-DOF parallel mechanism, which excogitated by Googol Technology Ltd, are analyzed in this project.

固高公司生产的GE系列运动控制器,其高速、高精度的技术水平适应雕刻加工发展的要求。With high-speed and high-precision, GE collection motion controller that Googol produces, can satisfy the developing requirements of carving processing.

成功地在固高公司的倒立摆台体上实现稳定控制,并且在仿真结果中分析了其优缺点。It actualizes stability control in the Googol linear Inverted pendulum system, and analyses the advantage and disadvantage through the simulation result.