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这一年,是新人辈出的一年。This year, is a year that New appointee generation out.

受聘人将须因应运作需要而不定时工作。The appointee will be required to work irregular hours subject to operational needs.

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受聘人可能须携带传呼机,以便随时奉召提供系统支援服务。The appointee may be required to wear pager to provide on-call system support duties.

因此,委员会会长由政府任命,他将为总统效力。The head of the council is thus a political appointee who serves at the pleasure of the president.

遂当马儿指派的内阁人选一个接一个出现纳税问题时,事情就不可否认地开始变得可笑起来。Admittedly, the problem became comical as one after another Obama appointee turned up with tax debts.

她被政府委派到州精神健康计划委员会,她也服务于期刊的咨询部。A governor's appointee to the State Mental Health Planning Council, she also serves on The JOURNAL Advisory Board.

正如奥巴马总统所言,他对最高法院第二次提名赢得了“超越政治派别的”尊重。As does President Obama, who said his second appointee to the court earned respect “across the political spectrum.

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如果新人想在婚礼过程中制造一些高潮,还可利用汽球做出爆破效果。If the New appointee wants to make some high tides in the nuptial course and repays available bladder to commit blow up result.

受聘人每月的工作时数不多于70小时,或须在周六、周日及公众假期工作。Appointee will be required to work not more than 70 hours per month and may be required to work on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

同时基于参议院的任命需要经过此选举,她极有可能在一些虚无的竞选活动中荒度前四年。And because the Senate appointee would have to run in two elections, she would be in virtual campaign mode for her first four years in office.

显然,选择Bernanke这位学识渊博的学者表明布什兑现了公众对优秀政府官员的期待。The choice of Bernanke, an accomplished scholar, apparently reflected Bush's acceptance of the public's expectation of a first-rate appointee.

显然,选择Bernanke这位学识渊博的学者表明布什兑现了公众对优秀政府官员的期待。The choice of Bernanke, an accomplished scholar, apparently reflected Bush’s acceptance of the public’s expectation of a first-rate appointee.

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当明年一月份美联储主席格林斯潘退下来,继任人伯南克上任时黄金的命运又会如何?When Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan steps down in January and Appointee Ben Bernanke steps up to the plate, how will gold fare?

当然,海景、名气、礼堂气派都可以是其中的考虑因素,新人实地观察会更加真实可靠。Ipso facto, the sea view, reputation and auditorium imposing styles can be a considerations in it, New appointee autopsy will a fortiori truth firm.

柔和的暖色系光彩使新房有种暖暖的温馨,非常适合新人的要求。The warm color system sparkle of mellowing makes the bride chamber had the sweet to grow Noan-noan and suits the request of New appointee very much.

试想,若是一个现代化政党,怎麽会容许政务官长期奇言异行而不加以纠正或撤换?What modern political party would allow a political appointee to persist in making such intemperate remarks without disciplining him or replacing him?

受聘人在合约届满后是否获得继续聘用,将视乎服务的需要,以及其工作表现和品行是否令人满意而定。The offer of further appointment beyond the existing contract is subject to the service need and the satisfactory performance and conduct of the appointee.

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新总统提名的主管政策的国防部副部长米歇尔·弗卢努瓦在星期四的参议院任命听证当中,被问到这个问题。The new president's appointee for Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, was asked about that at her Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday.

近两年别墅婚礼逐渐走进了新人的视野,在那里举办婚礼环境优美,私密性强。The two yearses villa wedding walked into the sight field of New appointee by degrees and held nuptial atmosphere daintiness over there, the private was strong.

现在也有许多新人尝试以白色的鲜花来妆点婚宴会场,得到极高的评价。Also there are many New appointee test by trials coming to makeup to click wedding banquet assembly mark by white fresh flowers now, receive the most higher appraisal.