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这就是为什麽克林顿弹劾案是“小康之列。This is why impeachment is "off the table."

后因弹劾宦官,被流放朔方。Eunuchs for impeachment after being exiled Shuofang.

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总统未能拉到足够票数去避过弹劾。The President couldn't muster the votes to fend off impeachment.

听证结束后,参议员们对弹劾条款进行投票。Following the trial, senators vote on the articles of impeachment.

月中,鲍里斯·叶利钦在俄议会弹劾投票中幸免于难。In mid-month, Boris Yeltsin survived his own impeachment vote in the Duma.

弹劾制度是西方宪政制度的重要组成部分。Impeachment system is one of the important parts of western constitutionalism.

在开庭审理弹劾案时,参议员们均应宣誓或誓愿。Impeachment Trials The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments.

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伊利诺伊州前州长罗德·布拉戈耶维奇在对他的弹劾案裁决时说。Rod Blagojevich, former Illinois governor, at his impeachment trial in Illinois.

总统弹劾案在美国历史上是很少见的。The President's impeachment process is once in a blue moon in the U. S. history.

最近一项民意测验表示大多数民众支持弹劾布什总统。One new poll says that a majority of people favor impeachment for President Bush.

八年来,她挫败了弹劾她以及军事接管的企图。In eight years, she battled impeachment attempts and attempts of a military takeover.

而今,他们才想通过弹劾我来重新掌控共和党的政治目标。Now they were going to seize back control of the Republican agenda through impeachment.

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“弹劾总统显然是左派的最终目标,”汉尼提还说。"Impeachment of the president is clearly the end goal for the left, " Mr. Hannity added.

一周后,众议院负责总统弹劾事宜的高层们进行了历时三天的陈述,然后要求传唤证人。A week later, the House impeachment managers made a three-day presentation of their case.

理查德·尼克松的引咎辞职,只不过在因水门事件而遭到弹劾的定局到来之前先走了一步。Richard Nixon resigned a step ahead of his certain impeachment in the Water-gate scandals.

他可能会面临弹劾或被认为无能力行使职责而被暂时取消总统职务。He could face impeachment or be deemed unable to perform his duties and suspended from office.

随着弹劾听证会的临近,我收到很多朋友以及类似陌生人的来信。As the impeachment hearings grew closer, I received many letters from friends and strangers alike.

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当年,美国国会负责启动弹劾程序,而共和党则早巴不得把克林顿踢出局。The U.S.Congress started impeachment proceedings, and the Republicans were eager to kick Clinton out.

在29日进行的参议院的投票中,该州参议院以59对0票通过了弹劾案。On the 29th carried out in the Senate vote, the state Senate 59 to 0 vote adopted a motion of impeachment.

弹劾艾斯特拉达总统势将揭露亚洲最脆弱的民主政权黑幕。The impeachment of President Joseph Estrada threatens to take the lid off the region's most volatile democracy.