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校准和协调真正意味着什么?What do alignment and harmonization really mean?

评估每个相关数据元素的一致性和协调性需求。Assess alignment and harmonization requirements for each relevant data element.

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完成工作任务、实现组织目标,有赖于各个团体之间的协调。Fulfilling the tasks and realizing the organizations' goal depend on intergroup harmonization.

从而,以“和”为本,同时在追求“和”的过程中讲求自由舒张,成为巴马人日常生活的最大特点。So we know that, harmonization is the most important characteristic of Bama person daily life.

水稻产量的高低主要决定于源、库、流三者的强弱及其相互之间的协调程度。Rice yield is mainly dependent on the strength of source, sink, stream and their harmonization.

我们需要的是一个和诣的社会,才能让我们的祖国更加繁荣昌盛!We need a harmonization of society, in order to make our country more thriving and prosperous !

协调说认为国际法和国内法是和谐一致的学说体系。The harmonization theory sees international law and muncipal law as concordant bodies of doctrine.

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区域土地资源可持续利用的基本内涵是谋求人与地的和谐共生。As its basic intention, the regional land resource use seeks man-nature harmonization and symbiosis.

此外,提高援助质量,加快援助协调与和谐化方面的进展速度。In addition, improve the quality of aid, with faster progress on aid coordination and harmonization.

但是“协调”一词与“强迫性卡特尔”或“缺乏竞争”在意思上并没有什么不同。But "harmonization" does not mean anything different from "forced cartelization" or "lack of competition.

该垫圈进行滴灌成型与表面特殊处理,以确保统一和可靠性。The gaskets are of drip molding with the surface specially treated to ensure harmonization and reliability.

能完美地进入三昧并与万物相应者,得称之为修行完备之人。He who can enter Samadhi perfectly and has the theurgy of harmonization to all things is a man of perfect practice.

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示范法方法是与法律文化的交融过程同步发展的统一立法模式。Model law can catch up with the development of the harmonization of the legal cultures for its own characteristics.

恰当处理发电机失步振荡,是机网协调的重要问题。Appropriately control of generator out-of-step oscillation is an important issue of generator-network harmonization.

总之,我国证券犯罪立法应实现本土化与国际化的协调统一。In short, Chinese securities crime legislation should achieve harmonization in localization and internationalization.

观念上讲求普遍、本质、本体、共性和规则。表现上要求典雅、均衡、和谐统一。It pursues essence, noumenon , commonness and rules in concepts and elegance, balance, harmonization and uniformity in expression.

查看重复或被链接的实体,包括的域是否一致,或者它们是否需要经过校准或协调才能使用?Looking at duplicate or linked entities, are the domains included consistent,or do they require alignment or harmonization for use?

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事实上,市场,行业和产品的监管协调不足阻碍了市场的正常发育。Indeed, the lack of harmonization over market, industry and product regulatory responsibilities has slowed rational market development.

你们根据非洲统一卫生行动框架为加强卫生系统提供了良好的投资依据。You have an excellent investment case, prepared by the Harmonization for Health in Africa initiative, for strengthening health systems.

由美感心灵涵融大自然时,人在心境上自然转生出尊重与关爱的眞情。From this aesthetic approach and harmonization with nature, a person can naturally cultivate a respect and caring for the "right things".