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范斯孟森是一头猪!And Vance Munson is a pig!

“你的门牌号码是什么?”万斯太太问。"What's your number?" said Mrs. Vance.

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什么时候不好,偏偏赶个时候碰到万斯太太,真是再糟不过了。Of all times, this was the worst to encounter Mrs. Vance.

“今天下午,我遇见了万斯太太。”过了一会儿,她说。"I met Mrs. Vance this afternoon, " she said, after a time.

当我开始见到他的时候,我的心窝儿象小兔砰嘭乱跳!When I first saw Vance after he returned, my heart did a flip_flop.

布瑞必须格外用心的呵护自己的新爱人,查克万斯警探。And Bree must be especially careful around her new love, Detective Chuck Vance.

他的父亲30岁就死了,而万斯31岁时被诊断出患有糖尿病。His father was dead by age 30, and Vance was 31 when he was diagnosed with diabetes.

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他们走下楼来,上了敞篷马车,万斯太太一路提着建议。They descended the stairs, Mrs. Vance offering suggestions, and climbed into the open coach.

早上好,邓洛普女士。我叫万斯·弗雷蒙,华尔克医疗服务公司的客户联络员。Good morning, Ms. Dunlop. My name's Vance Fremont. I'm the customer relations officer for Walker Medical Services.

万斯太太非常喜欢嘉莉那始终如一的善良本质,把最时新的东西告诉嘉莉,真是她的一大乐事。Mrs. Vance liked Carrie's stable good-nature so well that she really took pleasure in suggesting to her the latest things.

“若非一番寒彻骨,哪得梅花扑鼻香”,正如约翰·万斯·切尼所言,它阐释了逆境的重要性。“The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears”, once said by John Vance Cheney, tells us the significance of adversity.

嘉莉从另一个方向回来,好像看见万斯太太正在朝外走。她就瞪大两眼看着,但还是拿不准。Carrie, coming in from another direction, thought she saw Mrs. Vance going away. She strained her eyes, but could not make sure.

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穿一身绿衣服”听上去像凤凰社的那个喜欢深绿色披肩的爱米琳。万斯。但她看起来端庄典雅,而不放荡。Dressed all in green "sounds like emmeline vance of the order of the phoenix who favors an emerald shawl but she looks stately not wild."

“我很高兴见到你,”当嘉莉介绍他时,他对万斯太太说,大大显示了曾经使嘉莉着迷的往日的风度。"I am very glad to meet you, " he said to Mrs. Vance when Carrie introduced him, showing much of the old grace which had captivated Carrie.

万斯说,由于这种碳同位素分析可能得出模棱两可的结果,所以“嗅到”甲硫醇将有助于甄别火星上微生物的踪迹。But the isotope tests might produce ambiguous results, so finding methyl mercaptan would help bolster the case for Martian microbes, Vance says.

“我们一点钟动身,从三十四街出去,沿百老汇大街往南走,”万斯太太说。“这样走去很有意思,他在麦迪逊广场演出。”"Let's go at one and walk down Broadway from Thirty-fourth Street, " said Mrs. Vance. "It's such an interesting walk. He's at the Madison Square. "

在全站仪测定一定数量的3维控制点后,利用数码像机进行近景摄影测量,加密测绘水轮机转轮叶片。After having measured some 3D control points by total station, the digital close range photogrammetry and surveying the vance of water wheel can be made.

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转眼一年多过去了,万斯同在书屋中读了很多书,父亲原谅了儿子,而万斯同也明白了父亲的良苦用心。After more than a year has passed, Vance with house of read a lot of books, father to forgive his son, but Wan Sitong also understand the father's heart.

据警察中尉保罗·万斯说,侦查人员要调查学校及另一个犯罪现场,该处发现一名单身成年女性的尸体,所以调查工作需要花上几天的时间。Police Lieutenant Paul Vance said the investigation could take days as detectives examine the school and one other crime scene, where a single female adult victim was discovered.

7月1日,当Thompson在法院门前举行的新闻发布会、指控区域代理人Vance对Diallo弃而不顾时,Vance和Diallo的律师Thompson间一直以来的不信任瞬间爆发。The mistrustbetween Vance and Diallo’s lawyers boiled over on July 1, when Thompson held anews conference in front of the courthouse and accused the district attorney ofabandoning Diallo.