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他拿了一份暑期工被卸下部分胶纸夹板工作。He had taken a summer job and was unloading some sheetrock at work.

到了安装非承重墙的时候,他四处走动,注意到一处没用上的小角落。As they got to the sheetrock stage, he was walking around and noticed an unused alcove.

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屋顶没多久就被卷走了,小块的天花板碎片砸到我的头上。The roof soon disappeared, throwing ceiling sheetrock and two-by-fours on top of my head.

T-Bag在洞里挥舞着铲子挖掘,其它同伙将混凝土碎片倒在新砌成的石膏板后。T-Bag swings his shovel in the hole while the rest of the men pour the concrete rubble behind the newly lain sheetrock.

他爱计划家庭旅行,喜欢居家改良如美化草坪和贴贴石棉水泥板之类的事。He loved planningfamily expeditions and undertaking home-improvement projects like landscapingand working with Sheetrock.

了解有关修复此免费上门维修视频从一个建筑专家和专业的石膏灰胶纸夹板家居装修工具。Learn about tools for repairing sheetrock in this free home repair video from a construction expert and home renovation professional.

了解如何修复切眼在此免费上门维修视频从一个建筑专家和专业的石膏灰胶纸夹板家居装修。Learn how to cut hole to repair sheetrock in this free home repair video from a construction expert and home renovation professional.

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了解如何在这片广延石后免费上门维修视频泄漏维修从建筑专业的专家和家居装修。Learn how to patch sheetrock after leak repair in this free home repair video from a construction expert and home renovation professional.

但是当他望向室外,看到PI还没有将石膏板移回警卫室内,他找乐子的计划不知怎么就被抛到九霄云外了。His happy hour plans are forgotten however, when he looks outside to the guards’ room and sees that the sheetrock outside hasn’t been moved yet.

了解如何掏槽修复渗漏的建筑专家和家庭装修吊顶石膏灰胶纸夹板在此免费上门维修专业视频。Learn how to cut hole to repair leaking ceiling in this free sheetrock home repair video from a construction expert and home renovation professional.

在用手摸了摸墙后,曾做过建筑工人的Demczur先生发现,墙壁是由数层一英尺厚的面板砌成,面板是由一种叫石膏灰胶纸夹板的人工合成隔板材料做成的。After feeling the wall, Mr Demczur, a former builder, saw that it was made of layers of inch-thick panels of synthetic partition material known as sheetrock.

发电厂也将煤烟中的污染物沉淀,形成硫酸钙供石棉水泥板公司作为石膏的替代品。The power plant also precipitates pollutants from its coal smoke in the form of calcium sulfate, which is consumed as a substitute for gypsum by a sheetrock company.