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莫扎特结连理.Mozart ties the knot.

你绑上了没有?Have you tied the knot?

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我解不开这个结。I can't untie this knot.

扣儿开了。The knot has come untied.

那个结支撑得住吗?Is that knot going to hold?

星光下结旆。Star knot under the pennant.

把绳子绑成一个宽松的结。Tie the rope in a loose knot.

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帮我打开这个结好吗?Can you help me undo the knot?

这结打得不好。The knot wasn't properly tied.

让人们再一次结绳。Let the people again knot cords.

尽量把这个结打紧。Tie the knot as tight as you can.

打个结把线固定好。Fasten the thread off with a knot.

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把它们收集起来打成一个结。Gather them and tie them in a knot.

把绳头结在一起。Knot the ends of the rope together.

打结在攀岩运动中是至关重要的。Knot tying is vital in rock climbing.

哦,北外,我的英语情结!Ooh, Beiwai, my love knot of English!

丝丝情绪如乱麻无法理清。Silk emotions such as knot not clear.

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这线太硬不容易打结。This wire is too stiff to knot easily.

但气结于内,工夫长了,有伤身体。But gas knot at inside, time grew, hurts.

我的手指麻木了,解不开结。My dead fingers could not untie the knot.