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怎么这么多人啊?Why is it crowded?

所以那里从不会人山人海。They are never crowded.

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那条路太拥挤了。The road was too crowded.

所有的PMT公交都很挤。All PMT buses are crowded.

地面上的生活很拥挤。Life aboveground is crowded.

他跳上了拥挤的公共汽车。He jumped on the crowded bus.

人们蜂拥而来观看比赛。People crowded to see the match.

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人们拥到了贝雷兹的周围。The people crowded around Blaze.

每页都举了大量事实。Every page is crowded with facts.

他们都拥入了电影院。They all crowded into the cinema.

高峰时间总是很挤的。It ’s always crowded at rush hour.

不再拥挤的小室。Small rooms are no longer crowded.

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候车室里相当拥挤。The waiting-room is quite crowded.

解放碑广场总是很拥挤。Jiefangbei Square is always crowded.

他们把买花女团团围住。They crowded around the flower girl.

在拥挤的汽车里他的钱让人偷走了。He was pickpocketed on a crowded bus.

我翻了个身,索性挤上了眼。I turned over, so crowded on the eye.

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街道上熙熙攘攘全是人。The streets were crowded with people.

人人都向过道里退去。All crowded back towards the corridor.

他把小孩从人行便道上推搡下去了。He crowded the child off the sidewalk.