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一掌落叶随风飘荡,我就是落叶。I am that leaf.

汤米是一片叶子。Tommy was a leaf.

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连一片叶子都没动。Not a leaf stirred.

连一片树叶也没动。Not a leaf stirred.

揽住一片叶。Take a leaf in hand.

汤米问这叶子。Tommy asked the leaf.

如同椴树枝叶般旖旎。As leaf of linden-tree.

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叶萧做了一个梦。Leaf Xiao have a dream.

连一片叶子都没动。I am shaking like a leaf.

当这张叶子是一张秋天的叶子时。When it's an autumn leaf.

它躲在一片大叶子下面。He hides under a big leaf.

叶呈椭圆形。The leaf is oval in shape.

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那叶面红中泛绿,绿中透红。The leaf is red and green.

在汤里加一片月桂树的叶子。Add a bay leaf to the soup.

绿油油的树叶子。Green and glossy tree leaf.

我是颤抖的叶。I am the leaf that quivers.

风扇叶还真危险啊!The leaf blower sucks, too!

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我们在叶子上可以看到叶脉。We can see veins on a leaf.

每片树叶都有自己的形状。Each leaf has its own shope.

荷叶舒眉展目着。Her brow looked like a leaf.