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事实上,它可能会妨碍用户的工作流程。In fact, it will likely obstruct the user's workflow.

不要妨碍警方执行公务.Don’t obstruct the police in the course of their duty.

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五种变化多端的颜色,迷惑我们的眼睛,妨碍我们的洞察力。Five colors bewilder our eyes and obstruct our insights.

拦击和阻挡在乒乓球比赛中是很好的技术。Volley and obstruct are good technique in ping-pong sport.

不要妨碍警方执行公务。eg. Don’t obstruct the police in the course of their duty.

长久以来,这帮人阻挠和煽动反对医改的行为一直得到了纵容。For too long they have been allowed to obstruct and demagogue.

他们没有妨碍到使用专利产品的个人。They do not obstruct most individuals who use patented products.

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社会应让人们容易地修练德行,勿横加障碍。Society ought to promote the exercise of virtue, not obstruct it.

“奴性性”是妨碍自由权利行使的根源。"Servility" is obstruct the exercise of the right to freedom of the root.

童贯大怒,大声喝阻,却哪里能阻止得住。Kid Guan is large inflame, aloud beverage Zu, yet where can obstruct live.

艰深而难懂的东西,反而是修行上的障碍。The profound and difficult concepts are actually the obstruct of practice.

因此,数据源的不可用性将不会妨碍查询的执行。Thus unavailability of data source will not obstruct execution of queries.

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记住在任何时候车和机器都不能阻塞通道,柜门前及安全出口。Remember never obstruct the corridor, fore cupboards or fire exits in any way.

方便会障蔽心灵,因为人们对于容易得到的东西会觉得理所当然。Skillful Means may obstruct one's mind, as people tend to take it for granted.

因著这样的态度,他的人生就走得顺顺利利,没有阻碍,没有麻烦。Because of such attitude, his life runs smoothly, without obstruct and trouble.

讲坛被撤去,因为它被认为妨碍了牧师和会众之间的交流。No more podiums as they obstruct communication between the preacher and audience.

另外恒星周围环绕的布满团块的行星类物质也能阻挡恒星的光芒。In addition, surrounding disks of lumpy planet-formingmaterial can obstruct starlight.

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说不上什么时候,她就会暗地里给你使绊子,防止你发展。Maybe someday she will do something secretly in her power to obstruct your development.

可是再冷的天都阻挡不了年轻人玩闹的热情。But again cold skies of all obstruct not the youth man has fun a standing ovation making.

结论①无水乙醇对静脉型血管畸形周围回流静脉具有栓塞作用。Conclusion ①AE has the aibility to obstruct reflux venous around the venous malformation.