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我以前的老板太烂了。My previous employer sucked.

加上第n-2个月的兔子对数。The sum of the previous two.

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看看上面的第2点。Same as the previous point 2.

翻回到前一页。Turn back to the previous page.

回到我们先前的讨论。Back to our previous discussion.

他改变了以前作出的决定。He revoked his previous decision.

此前的记录为0.797赫兹。The previous record was 0.797 hertz.

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避免说前任上司的坏话。Avoid bad-mouthing previous employers.

他们还重新审视了之前的研究。They also reexamined previous studies.

这种事先的准备工作是附带进行的。This kind of previous job is accessary.

他又滑下来恢复到原来的姿势。He slid back into his previous position.

女儿是父亲上辈子的情人。Her previous life is his father's lover.

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我简直怀疑我俩前生是一个人。I can doubt our previous lives is a man.

不会留下上一个用户的任何痕迹。No traces of the previous user are left.

他以前的尝试都没有成功…His previous attempts had been unsuccess.

按计划返回以前的运行模式。Press PROG to return to previous RUN mode.

以前版本的连接器现在已经卸载掉了。The previous connector is now uninstalled.

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可以考虑前面示例的一个变体。Consider a variant of the previous example.

循环上一个视窗视角位置。PgUp Cycle to the previous camera position.

浏览本系列之前的来稿。Read previous contributions to this series.