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前述的故事是一个英国作家写的。The foregoing story was by an English writer.

我现在将上述各项事实。I will now briefly recapitulate the foregoing cases.

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上述各种考虑可以用几句话来归纳一下。The foregoing considerations may be concluded in a few words.

这个职能,如前所述,主动承担总是比指定好些。This role, like the foregoing one, is assumed rather than assigned.

确定上述各项已预调后,可以进行注塑。Determine the foregoing already, can undertake pre-mixed after injection.

在我看来,解决这种困境只有一个办法。As I see it, there is only one solution to all the foregoing difficulties.

由于上述原因,我在追求自己的目标上至今从未动摇过。For the foregoing reasons, I have never wavered in my pursuit of this purpose.

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在P波和SV波的情况下,前面的分析当然可以重复进行。The foregoing analysis can of course be reiterated in the case of P-ank SV-waves.

上述各项规定,加以必要的修改,得适用于实用新型。The foregoing provisions shall be applicable, mutatis mutandis, to utility models.

我更进一步同意将不保留上述资料信息的复制、笔记或节录摘要。I further agree that I shall not retain copies, notes or abstracts of the foregoing.

及与之相关的利率封顶,障碍,物物交换或其他对冲机制。Any interest rate cap, hurdle or swap or other hedging mechanisms relating to the foregoing.

陪罪将你从事业中带走但我必要你的补助…Iwim sorry to drag you foregoing your tdema goodd simply I need just some help with something.

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前项得予让售之不动产范围,由行政院另定之。The scope about the sale in the foregoing paragraph shall be prescribed by the Executive Yuan.

在此基础上,重点对有源电力滤波器的模糊自适应PI控制方法进行了分析。Based on the foregoing content, it emphases analyses fuzzy self-adapted PI control method of APF.

如你所深知,这里进口上项产品的可能性很大。As is well known to you, the possibilities of importing the foregoing product are very great here.

最后,在前述工作的基础上,搭建了基于Matlab的SCR烟气脱硝仿真平台。At last, basing on the foregoing work, we build the SCR flue gas denitrification platform in Matlab.

上述重大问题的讨论方案,均由厂长提出。Proposals for discussion of the foregoing important issues shall all be made by the factory director.

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最后设计了一个简单实例以验证所研究的威胁评估算法的可行性。In conclusion, a simplified example is schemed out to validate the foregoing threat-evaluation modeling.

本段文章讨论流行歌曲的录制,其中用词选字有多处明显失当。The foregoing paragraph, which analyzes the recording of a popular song, is an example of poor word choices.

江恩先生诸如此类的表现和上述事迹在华尔街的历史上大概是空前绝后的。Such performances as these coupled with the foregoing are probably unparalleled in the history of the Street.