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普京是缺少幽默感的。Putin himself is sardonic but humorless.

日本人的训练方法即缺乏幽默感又不知疲倦。Jap training methods are both humorless and tireless.

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定义和分析什么是幽默是缺乏幽默感者的游戏。Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people.

土星的进驻往往是缺乏幽默感且冷酷的。A "Saturnine" disposition is typically humorless and somewhat grim.

一个缺少幽默感的人很难是一群人中最受欢迎的。A humorless person is not likely to be the most popular person in a group.

当局以一贯一本正经的行事风格对待这次异想天开之旅。The authorities took their usual humorless approach to this flight of fancy.

不苟言笑、凶神恶煞式的皮尔来自一个长期受暴力侵害的星球——兰尼克。The humorless and fierce Piell hails from Lannik, a planet long plagued by violence.

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严肃型谈判者,按部就班的,缺乏幽默感,沉着镇定,完全用纪律控制谈判。Methodical, humorless , and unruffled, the stern negotiator controls sessions with sheer discipline.

因此,胡一直保持谦逊的形象,且往往被描述为无聊和枯燥。As a result, Hu always keeps an image of being a cautious leader – often he’s cast as being boring and humorless.

在等待中,一些学生听滑稽的录音带,而其他人则听一个不好笑的演讲或者是什么也不听。During the wait, some students listened to a funny tape, whereas others heard a humorless speech or nothing at all.

好的设计不会总是很有趣,但难以想像一个被称为“好”的设计一丝幽默感没有。Good design may not have to be funny, but it's hard to imagine something that could be called humorless also being good design.

斯特斯和谢米所研究的那些最没有幽默感的病人,其脑前叶的受伤位置就在一个叫做“脑前叶下腹中轴皮层”的地方。Stuss and Shammi's most humorless patients had a damaged area in the frontal lobe known as the medial ventral prefrontal cortex.

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而其电影系列的第一个镜头,就是哈利父母被杀,而后出现的就是那个为求永生不择手段的恶魔。The drama of the series begins with the murder of Harry’s parents and turns on an emphatically humorless villain who seeks immortality at any price.

Quaritch是个毫无幽默感的人,粗壮的脖子和桶胸,有一边脸被一个一次与潘多拉捕食者相遇后留下的伤疤所扭曲。Quaritch is a humorless man, thicknecked and barrel-chested, with one side of his face twisted by the scars from an encounter with some Pandoran predator.

另一方面,大部分企业,只知道如何以安抚的、一本正经的单调方式来与人交谈,他们只有目标宣言、营销小册子,以及“你的来电对我们很重要”之类的托辞。Most corporations, on the other hand, only know how to talk in the soothing, humorless monotone of the mission statement, marketing brochure, and your-call-is-important-to-us busy signal.