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我和你妈妈需要一些自己的时间,我们的就寝时间是9点。Bedtime is 9 p.m.

*临睡前谢绝酒精。Avoid alcohol before bedtime.

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就寝时间到了还没有回来。Someones up past her bedtime.

任性的小孩──早点上床睡觉。Cranky kid -- earlier bedtime.

他的就寝时间是八点钟。His bedtime is eight o 'clock.

那么晚上和临睡前又怎么样呢?What about evenings and bedtime?

营造一个轻松的就寝时间Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

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小木偶皮诺丘在床上。是睡觉的时间了。Pinocchio's in bed. It's bedtime.

然后坚持最后一次就寝的时间。Then stick with the last bedtime.

睡前2-3小时不要进食。Don’t eat 2-3 hours before bedtime.

睡前使用,可穿著短袜。Wear socks if using before bedtime.

你享受睡前的阅读时光吗?Do you enjoy reading before bedtime?

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睡前读读易卜生和狄更斯。Read Ibsen and Dickens before bedtime.

你一定是有史以来最棒的睡前故事说书人!You must be the best bedtime storyteller ever!

每个工作日的晚上我都在睡前把衣服熨好。Ironed my clothes each weeknight before bedtime.

临睡时服一次药来帮助你睡眠。Take a single dose at bedtime to help you sleep.

孩子们睡觉前正在嬉戏玩闹。The children are having a frolic before bedtime.

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睡前120到90分钟的时候洗个热水澡.Take a hot bath 90 to 120 minutes before bedtime.

睡前喝些花草茶或是吃些轻食的点心。Have some herbal tea or a light snack before bedtime.

恳求她给他们念一段上床时讲的故事。The children begged her to read them a bedtime story.