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主要用作营养增补剂,可做氨基酸输液、综合氨基酸制剂的主要成份。It also can be used as the main component of aminophenol transfusion and synthesize aminophenol.

蜜蜂幼虫中含有16种以上的氨基酸,尤以赖氨酸、谷氨酸含量最高。Bee larva contains more than 16 kinds of aminophenol with highest content of lysine and glutamic acid.

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在碱性介质中,以硐为阴极电解还原邻硝基酚以制备邻氨基酚。Electrolytic reduction of o-nitrophenol to aminophenol at a copper cathode was conducted inalkaline solution.

此外,还含有菊甙、氨基酸等多种对人体有益的成分。In addition, it also contains some useful components for human body, such as chrysanthemum glucoside and aminophenol.

蛋白质的氨基酸序列是由疏水氨基酸和亲水氨基酸组成的。There is tow kinds of aminophenol in the protein sequence, the one is hydrophobe aminophenol, the other is hydrophile aminophenol.

主要用作营养增补剂,可做氨基酸输液、综合氨基酸制剂的主要成份。It's mainly used as nutrition supplement. It also can be used as the main component of aminophenol transfusion and synthesize aminophenol.

生物硫是专用于草坪的一种优良硫素,硫是氨基酸和蛋白质合成的重要元素,是草坪草的次要营养元素。Bio-S is an excellent source of sulfur for turf which is a component of aminophenol and protein. Bio-S is subordination alimentation element.

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其肉质具有高蛋白,低脂肪多氨基酸,富含多种人体必需的矿物质及微量元素等特点。Being with much protein, aminophenol , mineral and microelement but little fattiness , the beef is the green and healthy food seeked by the modernists.

简要介绍间氨基酚的几种主要生产工艺,并分别对其优缺点进行了讨论。Several main technologies for production ofm- aminophenol were briefly introduced, the advantage and shortage of these processes were discussed separately.

介绍了对氨基苯酚的一种合成工艺,探讨了反应条件对产品收率的影响,初步得出了适宜的工艺条件。A synthetic process ofp aminophenol is introduced. The influence of reaction conditions on the yield of product is discussed and the suitable conditions are obtained.

小蜜蜂花粉豆,采用多种天然花粉科学学理配比,富含维生素、氨基酸、矿物质等多种活性成份,经常食用有益于身体。Minibee Pollen Tablet is produced by kinds of natural pollen with reason proportion, rich in anthocyanin, multi-vitamin, aminophenol and minerals. Take a regular is good for your health.