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叫我卡尔吧。Call me Carl.

然后调用。And then call.

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叫我贝塔。Call me Berta.

叫我杰利.Call me Jerry.

我叫李老大。I call Li old.

颠倒黑白。Call black white.

请叫我陈文君。Call me Attitude.

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我需要一辆牵引车。I'll call for one.

我们叫他克莱夫。We call him Clive.

我管他们叫中国佬。I call them chinks.

我称他们为中国佬。I call them chinks?

我要给帕特里夏打个电话。I'll call Patricia.

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给我打电话或发电子邮件。Call me ore-mail me.

找援军。Call reinforcements.

你刚才叫的是黑桃吗?Did you call spades?

我把它叫做现实。I call it realistic.

而我,叫我的狗“性生活”。I call my dog "Sex".

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让我们今晚乐一乐吧。Let's call it a day.

我能称呼您费伊吗?May I call you Faye?

我们叫他李平。We call him Li Ping.