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国会对该计划未提供足够的资金。Congress has underfunded the program.

他们说教育系统经费不足又不公平。They say that it's underfunded and unequal.

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康晓光表示,大多数非政府组织规模小,资金不足,或者在资金上要依赖政府。Kang said most are small, underfunded or dependent on the government for money.

东南亚现存的铁路老旧失修、七拼八凑并且资金供应不足。South-East Asia's existing network of railways is creaking, patchy and underfunded.

东南亚现存的铁路网残破不堪又断断续续,而且资金不足。South-East Asia’s existing network of railways is creaking, patchy and underfunded.

但学校自己仍是资金不足,教育质量也很差。But schools themselves remain underfunded and the quality of education remains poor.

我们请他做财务主任,一个经费不足的竞选班子需要他这个进取心强的财务主任。We made him finance director, a job in which an underfunded campaign needs an aggressor.

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由于戒毒项目很少而且资金不足等原因,瘾君子中仅十分之一的人接受药品治疗。Only one in ten addictsreceives any drug treatment, because programs are rare and underfunded.

第二,国会必须大幅增加美国联邦养老金保障公司对资金不足的项目可收取的保费。Second, Congress needs to sharply increase the premiums the PBGC can charge underfunded plans.

美国食品药品局对瓶装水的管理缺乏资金。Bottled Water and Tap Water Regulation sFDA and state bottled water programs are seriously underfunded.

65岁以上的人群中有三分之一会死于痴呆症,但是对这一情况的深入研究却资金严重不足。One in three people over 65 will die with dementia, yet research into the condition is desperately underfunded.

在贫穷国家中,行政资金本来就捉襟见肘,而且官僚体系腐败无能,他们的政府就更难约束那些石油公司了。Poor countries, with underfunded and corrupt bureaucracies, often have an even harder time keeping oil firms in line.

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这项决定使安达斯巴等国家公园获得了资金援助,从而保护了这座岛上仅剩的未被破坏的森林。That decision helped underfunded parks like Andasibe's, which protects some of the last untouched forest on the island.

这些机构说,他们已竭尽全力,但是资金不足,他们呼吁国际社会提供更多帮助。The agencies say they are overstretched and underfunded and are appealing for more help from the international community.

多年来,资金不足的NGO躲在一些不起眼的地方做着事情。For years, the small underfunded NGO slogged away in the shadows with little help doing good works on a wing and a prayer.

即使来自矿业的数十亿资金投入到了首都,基础设施建设项目仍经费不足,失业率颇高。Even as billions in mining profits pour into the capital, infrastructure projects remain underfunded and jobs hard to find.

在选举活动中的里士满辩论中,一位国民使我第一次注意到了退休金资金不足的问题。The problem of underfunded pensions was first brought to my attention by a citizen at the Richmond debate during the campaign.

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在出现这一趋势时,许多国家的公共卫生系统已严重超负荷,并面临资金短缺问题。This trend will come at a time when the public health system in many countries is already vastly overstretched and underfunded.

人口老化、退休金养老金系统不完善,以及五亿劳动者没有保障,这将严重影响经济的增长。An aging population, an underfunded pension system, and half-a-billion workers who aren't covered could be a drag on economic growth.

交通混乱拥堵,行人毫无忌惮,公车拥挤不堪,火车站肮脏寒碜。The traffic was aggressive and choked, the pedestrian crossings deadly, the buses overcrowded, the train stations scruffy and underfunded.