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既快速又美味可口。Fast and delicious.

那是一种甘旨的红酒。It was a delicious wine.

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一切美味尽在妙福!ALL delicious in miaofu !

这种薄饼很可口。The bannock is delicious.

整道菜口感辛辣又不失美味。It is spicy but delicious.

这鱼味道很好。The fish tastes delicious.

这菜味道不错。The food tastes delicious.

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这面包尝起来挺好吃的。The bread tastes delicious.

饭菜喷香。The dishes smell delicious.

这里的鱼真好吃。The fish here is delicious.

汤的味道美极了。The soup is very delicious.

这汤味道好极了。This soup tastes delicious.

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制作美味可口的烧饼。To make delicious pancakes.

那真是甘旨可口。Unit 38 That was delicious.

它还将十分美味。It will also taste delicious.

这鱼味道真是好极了。The fish is really delicious.

这汤味道不错。The soup is tasted delicious.

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鳝鱼的味道很好。The taste of eel is delicious.

她闻起来确实很美味。And she did smell so delicious.

甜和酸的美味口味。Delicious sweet-and-sour taste.