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雅夏经常羡慕他们毫不动摇的信仰。Yasha often envied their unswerving faith.

冰雪的芬兰,不仅造就了他冰凝的面容,也造就了他冰一样刚毅的性格。The icy Finland not only made his face icy, but also made his character unswerving.

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这坚定不渝的忠诚也是满腹阴谋的议长所利用的优势。So it was that a duplicitous Chancellor took advantage of this unswerving allegiance.

我们这个物种最伟大的地方,就是我们对探索和发现的执著渴望。One of the great things about our species is the unswerving desire to explore and discover.

钢丝为脊,大杠为梁,支撑着笑傲乾坤的张扬。Steel spokes as the ridge and big bar as the girder that support the unswerving aspiration.

让未知孵化我不渝的信仰,坚持在浩瀚人生巨流里前航!The unknown hatches my unswerving belief, makes me persist in sailing against the billow of life.

我们推进人民币汇率形成机制改革的决心是坚定不移的。Our determination is unswerving to push forward the reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism.

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洪门兄弟对国家、对民族坚定不移的灼热情怀令吾辈佩服。Hung Men members' unswerving commitment to the country and the nation is deserving of our admiration.

发展柬中友好合作关系是柬政府坚定不移的政策。To develop bilateral friendly cooperative relations is an unswerving policy of the Cambodian government.

它那双弯角所象征的坚毅和不屈个性使COBO的创始人深受启发。Its pair of curved horns typifies the unswerving determination which deeply inspired the founder of COBO.

如果我们企望爱情“增长”,首先必须确认它得到了悉心的培植和坚定不移的呵护。If we hope for love "growth", you must make sure it has been carefully cultivated and unswerving attention.

当我走累了,在我脑海中就会出现你不变的眼脸,坚定的声音和坚强不屈的精神。When I am tired, your steadfast face, unswerving voice, tough and tensile spirit come to me from my memory.

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中国政府维护国家主权、领土完整的决心是坚定不移的。The Chinese Government is unswerving in its resolve to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

中国政府维护国家主权和领土完整的决心和意志是坚定不移的。The Chinese Government's will and resolve in safeguarding state sovereignty and territorial integrity is unswerving.

多年来,冠城大通人以执著的努力和不懈的追求,取得令人骄傲的业绩。For years, through unremitted efforts and unswerving pursuit, Citychamp Dartong personnel have made proud achievements.

我想强调,在涉及领土主权问题上,中方的立场决不会动摇。I would like to emphasize that China's position is absolutely unswerving on matters concerning territorial sovereignty.

中国政府维护主权和领土完整的意志与决心是坚定不移的。The Chinese Government is unswerving in its determination and resolve to maintain sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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由于高教授对教育执着的奉献,学校在他任职的九年内飞速发展。The University made great strides during Professor Kao's nine-year tenure thanks to his unswerving commitment to education.

不断加强同非洲国家的团结与合作是中国政府坚定不移的方针。To continuously strengthen unity and cooperation with African countries is the unswerving policy of the Chinese government.

鼓浪屿沦为公共租界后,人民群众便开始了团结御侮、反抗殖民统治的英勇斗争。Right after Gulangyu became the public concession people began their firm and unswerving struggle against colonial domination.