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这是一个双原子分子。It is a diatomic molecule.

所以我强调这种分子的表示法。So I indicated the molecule.

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二氧化碳的确是稳定的分子。CO2 is really a stable molecule.

水是一个特别的分子。Water is a very unique molecule.

你得到了一个非极性分子。And, you get a nonpolar molecule.

因此这是一个非对称分子。So, it's a nonsymmetric molecule.

原子数,原子价,化合价。The number of atoms in a molecule.

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这样分子会更稳定吗?So would this be a stabilized molecule then?

将一个乙酰基加到某个分子上的过程。The addition of an acetyl group to a molecule.

所以这个分子是对称非极性的。And yet, the molecule is symmetric and nonpolar.

HMGB1有望成为一种新的抗肿瘤治疗靶分子。HMGB1 may be a new target molecule of antitumor.

因为分子必须处于某个状态上。Because the molecule must be in one of the states.

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谁又能计算一个分子的历程呢?Who, then, can calculate the course of a molecule?

分子按时间平均的偶极矩为零。The molecule has a zero time-average dipole moment.

这种方式给出了分子的结构式。This gives us the structural formula of the molecule.

尼古丁是一种尤其高活性的分子。In particular, nicotine is a highly flexible molecule.

这个抗体分子就具有强大的抗原结合能力This is a very potent molecule for binding to antigen.

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也可以是同一个分子的,独立自由度的能量。Or independent degrees of freedom on the same molecule.

在低能量范围内,该分子可以简化为三能级体系。The molecule can be simplified as a three-level system.

就以我家厨房里游弋的任何一个冷空气分子为例吧。Take any ice-cold air molecule milling around my kitchen.