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这个夏天很多球员离开了我们。We lost a lot of players of that ilk.

然而谢里夫及其同类大学继续茁壮成长。Yet Sharif and its ilk continue to thrive.

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他们直接影响了“杀手”乐队以及那个流派的众多乐队。They directly influenced Slayer and bands of that ilk.

三星的无线冰垫冰箱也属于同类冰箱。Samsung's Wireless ICE Pad refrigerator is another of this ilk.

无数红卫兵在这里给刘及其同类人开批斗大会。Red Guards swarmed there for ritual denunciations of Liu and his ilk.

红卫兵蜂拥而至,在此举行仪式批判刘和刘的亲属。Red Guards swarmed there for ritual denunciations of Liu and his ilk.

面对这个数字,梵蒂冈和它的相关组织持有什么观点呢?Faced with numbers like that, what hope do the Vatican and its ilk really have?

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县长吴平、林业局长覃大鹏之流,我相信是知情者,但却只是执行者。County Magistrate Wu Ping, FDA-Tanda Peng and his ilk , I believe it is an insider, but only actors.

提示整合素连接激酶可能涉及到老龄肾脏的纤维化过程或衰老过程。The results suggested that ILK might be involved in fibrotic process or senescent process in aging kidney.

在大多数这样的活动中“禁止拍照”政策阻挡了很多好色的手机拍照党和他们的同类。The "no camera" policy at most of these events is meant to discourage horny cellphone snappers and their ilk.

我已经习惯每年去郝斯湾两趟,用我自制的墨水和染料,换点做衣服的布料、锅子和各家出产的杂物等。I had used to go into Howsbay twice a year, to trade my inks and dyes for fabric for clothing and pots and things of that ilk.

在西方国家的企业和行政部门都有许多盟友的俄罗斯天然气工业公司以及同行企业当前就在克里姆林宫担任要职。Gazprom and its ilk have many allies in the Western companies and administrations that currently serve as the Kremlin's enablers.

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结论ILK和MMP-9蛋白过度表达可能分别在NSCLC的发生和发展过程中起重要作用。Conclusion The overexpression of ILK and MMP-9 genes may play an important role in the oncogenesis and development of NSCLC respectively.

一切尚待分晓,当然,罗杰斯,皮爱奴之流所渴望的生活是否对经济危机有所免疫。It remains to be seen, of course, whether aspirational living as presented by Rogers, Piano and their ilk really is immune to the recession.

Phrom及其改变的承诺,提供了ISP在快速增长的在线广告份额中切下一块的机会。Phorm and its ilk promise to change that, by offering ISPs a chance to get their hands on a slice of the fast-growing online-advertising pie.

又何能让蒋介石辈直到今天还安然活着,在离前线那么远的山坳里发表什么命令谈话呢?How else could Chiang Kai-shek and his ilk be alive now, issuing orders and making statements from a mountain retreat so far from the front lines?

当然,有些人,特别是那些在上周电脑停止工作的人,对盖茨先生和他的高科技同僚有着另一番难以言说的感受。Of course, a segment of the population, particularly those whose computers seized up last week, have complicated feelings toward Mr. Gates and his ilk.

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儿童的生活在当然也会有这样的人存在,比起希望他们消失,将他们写进书里显得更为重要。People of this ilk certainly exist in children’s lives, and it is important to acknowledge and represent them rather than pretend that we can wish them away.

提示ILK基因与胰腺癌细胞的恶性行为密切相关可以作为治疗胰腺癌的靶点,其作用机制与细胞信号传导通路有关。It reveals that ILK gene and malignant behavior of pancreatic cancer cells is closely related and ILK will take as a target for treatment of pancreatic cancer.

但是他们是政府官员,在我们国家意味着他们涉足政治,我对政客及其同类抱有健康的怀疑态度。But they are government officials, which even in our country means that they are involved in politics. And I have a healthy skepticism of politicians and their ilk.