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潮有涨夕阳,人有隆替时。Every flow has its ebb.

潮起必有潮落。Every tide has its ebb.

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为了你,海流潮起又潮落!The oceans ebb and flow for You.

涨潮潮流向南,落潮潮流向北。Tide flow south, north and ebb tide.

她的生物周期正处最低潮。Her biorhythms were at their lowest ebb.

这个潮汐的潮涨和潮落是永不停止的。The ebb and flow of the tide is constant.

根据推算,潮水将在清晨退下去。The ebb was to fall early in the morning.

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在潮起潮落的创作是永无止境的。The ebb and flow of Creation is never-ending.

笑看人生潮起潮落,守住自己的心。Laughing at life ebb and flow, defends own heart.

公德与私德均在衰落之中。Private and public virtues were at the lowest ebb.

涨潮和落潮交替更迭。The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other.

美国在这一地区的能力和影响力都在衰退。U.S. power and influence are at low ebb in the region.

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我们感到长久的悸动,和永无止境的潮起潮落。We feel the long pulsation, ebb and flow of endless motion.

今日人人都喜上眉梢,没有一个感情低落的。Today everybody is in high spirits and no one is in low ebb.

海浪涨潮,天天涨潮,天天涨潮,又天天退潮。Sea-water tide, day-to-day tide, every-day tide and every-day ebb.

期货业也一度陷入了最最寂寞的低谷。The futures industry has once fallen into the most lonely low ebb.

我猜这是一段起起伏伏,一会儿陷入困境,然后又重新启程的旅途。I guess it’s a continual ebb and flow, being stuck and then moving again.

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黎明时分,寺也不复寺,没入波涛起伏的大海之中。Before dawn the temple was nothing but the ebb and flow of an immense sea.

某种程度上,这只是城市人口分布兴衰自然规律的一部分。In some ways it’s a partof the natural ebb and flow of urban demographics.

话虽如此,这种趋势将继续下去,并明确的伙伴关系将落潮和流动。That said, the trend will continue and clear partnerships will ebb and flow.