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走开,两只歪扭的小耳朵!GO AWAY, two little squiggly ears!

你是否想知道那些色彩鲜艳,波浪线是?Ever wonder what those colorful, squiggly lines are for?

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电脑萤幕上出现一条条波行线。The laptop's screen displayed an array of squiggly lines.

食蚁兽先生和小歪喜爱巧克力、健行,和钓鱼。Aardvark and Squiggly love chocolate, hiking, and fishing.

但是此前所有探测到的系外行星都是不起眼波形。But all exoplanet detections had been of the squiggly variety.

这些怪圈上弯弯曲曲的线条看上去好像从中间的圆里不断蔓延开来的丝带。The squiggly lines of this crop circle look like ribbons undulating from the interior circle.

左下方凸起处那片弯弯曲曲的轮廓,就是心肌细胞的切面,他们使心脏跳动。The series of squiggly lines at bottom left, near the bulge, is a section of cardiomyocytes, which make the heart beat.

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许多淡红色弯弯曲曲的呈丝线状的物质为纤维蛋白,在心外膜表面一直延伸到黄*色分泌液中。The red-pink squiggly lines extending from the epicardial surface into the yellow fluid represent the strands of fibrin.

工具是偏爱实线90度角,但那不应当妨碍我们将斜线、锯齿线和波浪线引入我们的设计。The medium favors hard 90-degree angles, but that shouldn’t stop us from including diagonals, zig-zags, and squiggly lines in our designs.

地震玫瑰图,学者认为中间玫瑰图案是地震最剧烈的阶段形成的。The Earthquake Rose. Scientists believe the squiggly lines at the center of the pattern were formed during the quake's most intense trembles.

编辑器会左右两侧用红色标记标明验证错误,并给无效的语法加一条红色波浪型的下划线。The editor flags the validation error with red markers in the left and right margins and underlines the invalid syntax with a red squiggly line.

就算有,也往往勾描成一点凸起或者草草几条线,四周是不知名的部位和空白。If an illustration of the clitoris is included, it is often suggested by a little bump or a squiggly line surrounded by unnamed parts and white space.