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豪饮可不能这样。There is no booze in there!

买鼬鼠还是更多酒?Money for skunk or just more booze?

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豪饮也会影响你的睡眠。Booze also interferes with your sleep.

你可能需要它来吸收身上的酒气。You probably need itto soak up the booze.

或者是跟酒友们分享。Nor would she ever share with booze in her system.

提供所有的酒食,邀请所有你认识的人。Supply all the booze and invite everyone you know.

也许洛克伍德家族的人应该戒酒了吧?Maybe the Lockwoods should just stay away from booze?

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我没事,我不需要什么帮助,他满嘴酒气地说。No, I don't need any help, he said, reeking of booze.

这是否意味着酒精、香烟、跑车的产量会减少?Will it mean less booze and fewer fags and fast cars?

我大部分的钱都花在了养鸟、饮酒和飚车上。I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars.

对付酒精中毒的方法之一就是消除豪饮带来的强烈兴奋的感觉。Robbing booze of its buzz is one way to attack alcoholism.

火辣的太阳会让你流汗,消耗一点纵饮后堆积在你肚子上的脂肪。The hot sun will sweat some of that booze fat off your middle.

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睡前一杯小酒能帮你更快地进入梦乡。A little booze before bedtime might help you fall asleep faster.

国会还准备增加啤酒、白酒和烈性酒的税率。Congress is also looking at boosting taxes on beer, wine and booze.

如果此刻罗克让他去买酒的话,他会冲到街上去给他买更多的酒。He would have run down the street for more booze if Rock had asked.

重复摄入酒精导致雄性果蝇开始向其他同行“求爱”。Repeated doses of booze led male flies to start courting other males.

伊萨贝尔说,朝放着酒和酸橙汁的袋子做个手势。Isabel asked, motioning toward the bags of booze and lime-juice blend.

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我还听说许多创业型公司中设置免费的烈性酒和啤酒机的报道。I am hearing reports of free booze and beer on tap at lots of start-ups.

享受一下游轮上的暮后小酌或者像当地人称呼的那种游轮酒宴。Take the evening Sundowner Cruise, or Booze Cruise as the locals call it.

克利斯真是落魄潦倒。他睡在公园板凳上而且整天喝酒。Chris is such a low-life. He sleeps on the park bench and drink booze all day.