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这是一个好兆头。It was a good augury.

谶,包括谶言和谶兆。Augury includes augury word and augury event.

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唯一最好的预言就是为国家而战。The single best augury is to fight for one's country.

商族很早就有用兽骨进行占卜的习俗。The Shang practiced augury with animal bones very early.

和卜卦法术一样,法师必须宣布一个目标。As with the Augury spell, the mage must declare a target.

占卜是中国传统文化中的一个重要组成部分。Augury is the important part of Chinese traditional culture.

顺利的航海仿佛也是航空的好预兆。The maritime passage was a good augury for the aerial passage.

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那个时候。一语成谶。我真的离开了。That moment. One language ready-made augury. I have left really.

这些销售额是又一年可观利润的好兆头。These sales figures are a good augury for another profitable year.

在社会安定时期,谶言与谶兆主要影响人们的日常生活。In the stable period, the augury mainly affect the people's daily life.

春秋宗教活动主要是祭祀和卜盆。The religious actions in Spring and Autumn mainly were commemoration and augury.

所以谶谣是对唐代社会具有广泛影响的文化现象。So the augury ballad became a social culture phenomenon which had extensive influence.

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但皇帝提庇留和许多官员在帝国的殷切信徒的徵兆。But the Emperor Tiberius and many officials in the empire were ardent devotees of augury.

内存比在前往马德里超过了一定数额徵兆前第一分钟。Memory than in the going the Madrid got over to a certain amount Augury before the first minute.

在知识分子的氛围中已经出现的改变的迹象是一个有希望的先兆。The glimmerings of change that are already apparent in the intellectual climate are a hopeful augury.

商族是受其起源地及其周围地区固有的较盛的占卜风俗传统的影响,形成了骨卜占卜的习惯。The practice of bone augury had been influenced by the traditional practices of its original place and neighborhood.

林达莎屏住呼吸,悄悄抓紧她的占卜桶,贴住芳香的树干。Silently, holding her breath, the druidess collected in her augury bucket and drew close against the fragrant bole of the tree.

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在哥伦比亚、俄亥俄以及其它类似的中心进行的第一社区村庄项目,也许是一个可喜的征兆,预示着新事物的到来。The program of the First Community Village in Columbus, Ohio, and other similar centers may be a happy augury of things to come.

中国语言文字的特殊性为谶谣的制造提供了丰富多彩的形式,使其成为中国文化库藏中的一件异物。The particularity of the Chinese language offers a variety of forms for the manufacture of augury ballad, making it become a special product in Chinese culture treasury.

禁止党政干部参神拜庙、求封占卜、大办丧事,为树立良好的社会风气起模范带头作用。Forbid the cadre in the government and the Party to join the visit of temple, augury , extravagant bereavement, play an exemplary role in establishing a good social mode.