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仅装备钝的近战武器。Equip only nonlethal blunt melee weapons.

阳炎刃只会对光民造成非致命伤害。Sun blades deal only nonlethal damage to a lumi.

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阿奎拉称他的计划是“一个遏制致命冲突的非致命手段。”Arquilla calls his plan "a nonlethal way to deter lethal conflict.

代价是你使用的时候会不停受到淤伤。The tradeoff is that you take nonlethal damage when you invoke it.

阿奎拉称他的计划是“一个遏制致命冲突的非致命手段。”Arquilla calls his plan "a nonlethal way to deter lethal conflict."

但是充满了非致命的“镇静剂”的飞镖是另一回事。But darts filled with a nonlethal "calmative" agent are another matter.

麻瓜也有类似的武器,不那么精准,但是也非常强大的非致命声波武器。Muggles have less precise but extremely powerful nonlethal sonic weaponry.

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我的回应快速而不致命——狠狠地捶了他一拳,踢了他一脚。My response was swift and nonlethal. I struck him fast and hard with a punch an kick.

这座位于熔岩湖地区的牧场开创了对狼的非致命性管理。The Lava Lake Land &Livestock ranch has pioneered the nonlethal management of wolves.

除了监视功能,它还能作为临时非致命武器。In addition to its surveillance capabilities, the camera acts as a temporary nonlethal weapon.

军方资助的研究人员正准备测试一种非致命武器相结合的灯光和音响。Military funded researchers are preparing to test a nonlethal weapon that combines light and sound.

该设备发射出一束非杀伤性激光束,在距离1.2英里以外仍可看到。The device shoots a nonlethal laser beam that can be seen at distances greater than 1.2 miles away.

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在哈利波特的系列中,非致命的“除你武器”魔法是哈利波特的招牌魔法。In the Harry Potter series, the nonlethal Expelliarmus charm is one of Harry Potter's signature moves.

该生物造成的伤害种类取决于其制造者给予的命令。The creature chooses whether to deal lethal or nonlethal damage depending on the orders it is gaven by its creator.

另外,高能微波技术,声响武器或者非致命化学武器都是可民考虑的。Alternately, the use of high power microwave technology, acoustic weapons or nonlethal chemicals might be called for.

他还说,海运公司应考虑雇用保安人员,对海盗采用非杀伤性防卫措施。He also said shipping companies should consider employing security personnel to use nonlethal defensive measures against the pirates.

白宫发言人称,美国总统奥巴马在周二批准了高达25亿美元的对利比亚的非武器资助。US President Barack Obama on Tuesday authorized up to 25 million US dollars in nonlethal aid to the opposition in Libya, the White House said.

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哈里斯和其他反对人士主张,迷晕气体绝对不能说没有致命性,你想用它们来救人,但你想救的其中某些人反倒会因而丧命。Harris and other opponents argue that knockout gases cannot be described as nonlethal —they will kill some of the people they are intended to save.

宾州大的研究人员指出,药物投送虽有进步,但「仍是镇静剂发展为非致命性技术过程的关键」。Despite advances, drug delivery "remains a key issue in the development of calmative agents as nonlethal techniques, " the Penn researchers pointed out.

另外,龙之传人的徒手攻击由她选择能造成挥砍伤害,正常情况下徒手攻击是钝击伤害,当选择作为挥砍伤害时,无法造成瘀伤。In addition, the unarmed strikes of an initiate of the draconic mysteries may deal slashing damage, at her option. Such damage cannot be nonlethal damage.