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良性的卵巢黄体膜囊肿。This is a benign theca lutein cyst in an ovary.

这是一个良性的卵泡膜黄素囊肿。This is a benign theca lutein cyst in an ovary.

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蛋类含有半胱氨酸、硫磺、卵磷脂、氨基酸类和叶黄素。Eggs contain cysteine, sulfur, lecithin, amino acids and lutein.

建了化学法转化叶黄素酯为游离态叶黄素的工艺。Studying the chemical method in transforming lutein esters to lutein.

万寿菊为一年生草本植物,含有丰富的叶黄素酯。Microwave-assisted extraction of lutein esters from marigold was investigated.

人体大量摄取黄体素和玉米黄质,能降低患病率。Large number of human lutein and zeaxanthin intake, can reduce the prevalence rate.

超声波强化有机溶剂提取万寿菊中叶黄素的研究。Study on Ultrasonic-assisted Solvent Extraction of Lutein from Tagetes eracta Linn.

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鸡蛋蛋黄是黄素和玉米黄质的主要来源在美国饮食结构中。A rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin in the American diet is the yolk of chicken eggs.

采集禁食血样以评定血浆中叶黄素和玉米黄质的浓度。Fasting blood samples were taken to assess plasma concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin.

叶黄素含量与烟叶总氮含量呈显著正相关。The correlation of the lutein content and the nitrogen content was significantly positive.

通过叶黄素的强抗氧化特性来改善青光眼的视力。By the strong anti-oxidation characteristics of lutein to improve the eyesight of glaucoma.

均匀天天叶黄素的摄入量为6.0mg时,能够分明增加白内障的手术。Cataract operation frequency could be remarkably reduced by a daily intake of 6.0mg lutein.

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叶黄素就是其中一种鲜明的黄色,而番茄红素是一种使得西红柿变红的类胡萝卜素。Lutein is one that's a bright yellow. And lycopene is the carotenoid that makes tomatoes red.

这项研究强调了补充膳食叶黄素,保护视网膜正常功能的必要性。This study emphasizes the essentiality of dietary lutein to maintain its status in the retina.

胡萝卜素能够帮助保护皮肤,产品中的叶黄素和玉米黄质帮助保护眼睛。Carotenoids help protect your skin, and the added lutein and zeaxanthin help protect your eyes.

流行病学实验已研究了叶黄素和玉米黄素摄入量与AMD的关系。Experiments have examined the epidemiology of lutein and zeaxanthin intake and AMD relationship.

叶黄素的制备原料为万寿菊的花,并以叶黄素酯的形式存在。In this study, lutein esters were prepared from marigold flower and then mixed with dietary oil.

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类胡萝卜素中有一种叶黄素,它广泛存在于绿色蔬菜和人体的血浆和眼球中。Lutein is one of the carotenoids, occurs in a large of green vegetables and plasma, eye of body.

研究了从万寿菊干花颗粒中分离皂化叶黄素的生产工艺。The extraction and saponification of lutein from marigold dried flower grains were investigated.

为了进行黄槐花中叶黄素的提取试验。The purpose was to carry out the test of extracting the lutein from Cassia surattensis Burm flowers.