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但是,为什么美联储要放弃对纽约期货交易所黄金无担保卖空的支持哪?But why would the Fed abandon its support for naked COMEX shorts?

周二,COMEX铜库存减少290短吨,至15,634.COMEX copper stocks were unchanged at 11,040 short tons on Tuesday.

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COMEX库存周一持平于10,827短吨.COMEX warehouse copper stocks were flat at 10,827 short tons on Monday.

COMEX铜库存周二跌200短吨,至6,100短吨.COMEX copper stocks slipped 268 short tons to 9,811 short tons on Tuesday.

截止周四,COMEX铜库存增加121短吨,至53,604短吨.COMEX copper warehouse stocks added 121 short tons to 53,604 short tons as of Thursday.

截止周一,COMEX铜库存减少132短吨,至53,174短吨.COMEX copper warehouse stocks fell by 132 short tons to 53,174 short tons as of Monday.

LME铜库存减少125吨,至5月中以来最高的344,225吨.截止周一,COMEX铜库存减少209短吨,至53,633短吨.COMEX copper warehouse stocks fell by 209 short tons to 53,633 short tons as of Monday.

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截止周二,COMEX铜库存减少200短吨,至52,974短吨.COMEX copper warehouse stocks dropped 200 short tons to 52,974 short tons as of Tuesday.

截至上周五,COMEX铜库存增加89短吨,为41,347短吨.COMEX copper stocks went up 89 short tons, bringing total levels to 41,347 short tons as of Friday.

亚洲隔夜交易金价平稳,不过纽约黄金期货价格有所上涨。Gold prices in Asia steadied in overnight trading while gold futures rose on the Comex in New York.

截止周二,COMEX铜库存增加12短吨,至53,645短吨.COMEX copper warehouse stocks added 12 short tons as of Tuesday, bringing total warehouse levels to 53,645 short tons.

依据CFTC上星期五发布的周度陈述闪现,到2月7日当周,COMEX黄金投机净多头头寸添加3660手,至75727手,为12月初以来最高水平。According to CFTC weekly statement released on Friday, the week to February 7, COMEX gold speculative net long positions to add 3660, 75727, is the highest level since early December.