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她真是个受气包。She is plain doormat.

你真是个受气包。You are plain doormat.

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小兔子把胡萝卜放在他门前的擦鞋棕垫上了。Little Rabbit left the carrot on the doormat.

即使是他们的错误就在于一直在当受气包。Even if their part was to have been a doormat.

你真是个受气包儿。你怎么就不能说个“不”字呢?You are plain doormat. Why couldn't you say "NO"?

成为别人的好朋友并不等于可以任人践踏。Being a good friend does not mean being a doormat.

她天生就是个受气包儿,什么事都不敢说个不字。If I were her, I wouldn't be her husband's doormat like that.

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也许会有人说不如把它放在门口做个地垫。I believe someone else suggested it would make a good doormat.

所以在单位我们不但成了千斤顶,还成了受气包。So in the units we not only became jack, also become a doormat.

她在公司就是个受气包,甚至新手也可以欺负她。She's a doormat in the company, even the green hand can wrong her.

第三类叫“小媳妇型”中层,唯唯诺诺,像个受气包。Third category called" little wife" middle, be a yes-man, like a doormat.

这些孩子会长成极端个性——十足的叛逆者或者逆来顺受的受气包。Such children grow up to be extreme personalities – a total rebel or a doormat.

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獾,因其宽宽的、矮墩墩的形体和毛茸茸的背部一向被人们浑称为“门垫”。The badger has been nicknamed"doormat"because of its broad, squat form and its hairy back.

可在门外放置擦鞋垫,以免将沙子或摩擦性灰尘带入室内。Doormat can be placed outside the door, lest take sand or attrition sex dirt, enter indoor.

獾,因其宽宽的、矮墩墩的形体和毛茸茸的背部一直被人们浑称为“门垫”。The badger has been nicknamed"doormat" because of its broad, squat form and its hairy back.

最后,如果你要在户外抱石,你需要个蹭脚的垫子。Finally, you'll need a small rag or doormat to clean your shoes if you're bouldering outdoors.

门垫广告地垫让客户更贴近地了解你。图案可选,加色不另收费。Doormat mat ads to allow customers to get closer to understanding you. Logo optional add color charge.

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上周末,共有1900名宾客收到了参加威廉王子婚礼的镀金请帖。They were two of the 1,900 guests who found a gold-embossed invitation on their doormat at the weekend.

那个周末,我们拿它来当桌布、睡袋,放在我的老伙计安迪的帐篷外面当地垫。That weekend we used it as a tablecloth, a sleeping bag, and a doormat outside of my buddy Andy's camper.

当然,谦逊也有限度,做“受气包”肯定不会对你的职业发展有所帮助。There are, of course, limits to humility and being a doormat is certainly not going to enhance your career.