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愿你是这些奇迹的勇敢探秘者!Hope you're a brave prospector of those miracles.

立桩标出他所发现的矿区地以示归己所有。The prospector staked his claim to the mine he discovered.

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这已经加强了数据从月球勘探者。This has now been reinforced by data from Lunar Prospector.

帕克是一名美国金矿勘探者及食人犯。Packer was an American gold prospector and convicted cannibal.

至于黄金,这位现代探矿者淘金的法子还和1848年时相差无几。As for the gold, this modern-day prospector pans it like it's 1848.

探矿者淘选从河床中挖出的少量含金泥砂和沙砾。The prospector panned off bits of sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream.

探矿者淘选从河床里挖出的少量含金泥沙和砂砾。The prospector panned off bits of a sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream.

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该属性值的完整数据表完全是只提供给普罗斯佩克议员。The full datasheet with complete property values is available only to Prospector Members.

这位年老的探矿者,独自一个人在山上呆了很久,他已发疯了。The old prospector had stayed alone up in the mountains so long that he'd gone off his rocker.

探勘者还表示另外两名大学生5月25日在胡亚雷斯的暴力事件中死亡。The Prospector also said that two other university students were killed in violence in Juarez on May 25.

最近吸纳的新成员有一位前石油勘探工作者、一位核物理学家、社会工作者、医生和牙医。Recent recruits include a former oil prospector and a nuclear physicist, social workers, doctors, and dentists.

来自英国的丹尼尔刘易斯扮演的是在加州石油工业急剧发展时期的一个冷酷无情的投机者。Britain's Daniel Day-Lewis was favored to win for his role as a ruthless prospector in the tale of the California oil boom.

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克莱门蒂号和月球探勘者号任务最令人兴奋的发现,大概是月球两极水冰存在的证据。Perhaps the most exciting result of the Clementine and Lunar Prospector mission was the evidence of water ice at the lunar poles.

始建于1886年,原是一个探矿站,以后随金矿的发现和开采迅速发展为城市。Founded in 1886, was a prospector stations, with the gold after the discovery and exploitation of the rapid development of the city.

丹尼尔・戴・刘易斯在片中主演20世纪初一位魔鬼撒旦般的石油开采者,不惜一切手段攫取财富和权力。It stars Daniel Day-Lewis as sadistic oil prospector in the early 20th century who will do anything to create wealth and gain power.

探勘者确认阿科斯塔为计算机信息系统专业的大四学生,迪亚兹是商科预科专业的大二学生。The Prospector identified Acosta as a senior computer information systems major and Diaz as a sophomore sophomore pre-business major.

探矿公司也如培训和职业发展的战略人力资源要素高得多的投资。Prospector firms also made significantly higher investments in human resource elements of strategy such as training and career development.

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当蒙克斯想继续时待命室旁边的舱口开启了,早已在屋外的亚洲采矿者打断了他的讲话。Mengsk prepared to go on, then stopped as a hatchway at the side of the room opened, and the Asian prospector he had spotted outside earlier now stepped in.

当蒙克斯想继续时待命室旁边的舱口开启了,早已在屋外的亚洲勘探者打断了他的讲话。Mengsk prepared to go on, then stopped as a hatchway at the side of the room opened, and the Asian prospector he had spotted outside earlier now stepped in.

由于岩浆流通常有均匀且独特的组成,克莱门蒂号和月球探勘者号收集的资料可以用来鑑别月海内发生过的岩浆流动。Because lava flows typically have uniform and distinct compositions, the data from Clementine and Lunar Prospector can be used to map the flows that have occurred in the maria.