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每一颗不安的心,都跳的如此不完美。Each restless heart beats so imperfectly.

燃烧的烟子也可以再循环利用。The imperfectly combusted soot can be reused again.

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我有许多写短篇小说的题材,但发现难于落笔。An instance of being imperfectly known or difficult to understand.

一件小事作得完美胜过多少事做得虎头蛇尾。----柏拉图。Better to complete a small task well, than do much imperfectly. ---- Plato.

不完美地做了某件事总比追求完美而一事无成的好。It's better to get something done imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.

不完美地做了某件事总比追求完美而一事无成的好。And it's better to get something done imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.

使枯萎,萎缩或发育不良,由枯萎病或就象由枯萎病所致。To cause to shrivel, wither, or mature imperfectly by or as if by blast or blight.

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另外,设计良好的投资组合也包含“关联不完善”的项目。In addition, well-designed portfolios contain projects that are "imperfectly correlated."

突然,他慌里慌张写起字来,只是朦朦胧胧意识到自己写的是什么。Suddenly he began writing in sheer panic, only imperfectly aware of what he was setting down.

克拉克说,在我们试图增加竞争时,尽管是完全的竞争,我们就接受市场机制,改变着。As we try to increase competition, albeit imperfectly , and we embrace the market system, we're.

这时候,狄克突然想起了那个小伙子DD他马马虎虎地向他指路的小伙子,感到一阵难受。Dick bethought him, with something like a pang , of the lad whom he had so imperfectly directed.

我拿这张照片跟她对质后,母亲真实的生活才断断续续、不完整地展现出来。After I confronted my mother about the photograph, the truth of her life came out haltingly and imperfectly.

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但也有人认为,当生物体无法完全适应环境时也会出现同性恋行为。It has also been suggested that same-sex behaviours appear when organisms are imperfectly adapted to their environment.

从考古学的角度来说,香港只属广阔华南文化领域的一小部分,而大家对这个领域所知仍属有限。Archaeologically , Hong Kong is but a tiny part of the far greater cultural sphere of South China, itself as yet imperfectly known.

非要分开单独来学的话是不可行的,所以我们只能退而求其次,分割后的两门课可能会有重复的部分If you tried to do one alone it would not work, so we decided to divide it up imperfectly and there may be some repetition between our two courses.

他没有想到我是一个说普通话的人在模仿说湖南话说得不地道,而以为我是一个湖南人在模仿说普通话说得不地道。He had not realized that I was a speaker of Mandarin imitating Hunanese imperfectly and assumed instead that I was a Hunanese speaking Mandarin imperfectly.

对非理想导体腔壁柱形波导的微扰法作了重新表述。The perturbative method for calculating the effect of imperfectly conducting walls on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in cylindrical waveguides is reformulated.

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虽然生命和环境之间不断变化的相互作用尚未得到完全理解,但它们构成地球史的基础,并且将支配我们的子孙继承的世界。The dynamic interactions between life and environment are imperfectly understood, but they underpin Earth's history and will determine the world our grandchildren inherit.

本文分析了在不完全竞争的产品市场中,在东道国的进口竞争性部门为资本密集型的情况下,外资流入对福利的效应问题。The welfare influence of foreign capital inflows in an economy with an imperfectly competitive product market and a capital-intensive import-competing sector are analyzed.

临床上,受影响的牙齿呈现琥珀乳白色,牙齿在早期时就容易磨损,牙釉质从发育不良的牙本质表面上脱落。Clinically affected teeth have a dark amber opalescence . The teeth undergo much attrition at an early age, as the enamel fractures away from the imperfectly formed underlying dentin.