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我上次回到拉德洛。When I came last to Ludlow.

因为你哥哥是国会议员。Because your brother is Congressman Ludlow.

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当三兄弟还是小孩子的时候,鲁德罗上校的头发是乌黑的。When the three brothers were children, Colonel Wlliam Ludlow 'S hair is dark.

在出发前,他还是拥抱并且希望他们平安归来。Before leaving, Colonel Wlliam Ludlow embraced them and hoped them come back safely.

洛克菲勒的儿子对拉德洛大屠杀负有责任,而且在他父亲的大多数令人反感的行动中一直是一个顺从的合作者。JDR's son had been responsible for the Ludlow massacre, and an obedient partner in his father's most unsavory actions.

拉德洛已是一片被烧焦的废墟,下面埋葬着工业冲突历史上惨绝人寰的恐怖故事。The Ludlow is a mass of charred debris, and buried beneath it is a story of horror unparalleled in the history of industrial warfare.

这13幅画作将于4月23日在新加坡Ludlow跑马场拍卖,预计拍价将高达数万英镑。The 13 paintings will be auctioned at Ludlow racecourse in Shropshire on April 23 and are expected to fetch tens of thousands of pounds.

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勒德洛酒店的街区感为它赢得了很高的评价,很适合那些寻找真正远离人群的酒店的旅行者。The Ludlow wins high marks for its neighborhood feel and is a smart choice for travelers looking for an authentic sense of place away from the crowds.

由于坐落在夫妻经营的商店、小餐馆和喧闹的酒吧、街头涂鸦、时尚专家和有抱负的人中,勒德洛酒店有着强烈的城市特色。Its presence amongst the mom-and-pop stores, smart restaurants and boisterous bars, graffiti street art, fashion mavens and aspiring wannabes, gives The Ludlow a keen urban edge.

科罗拉多可伦拜高中枪杀案,事发两周后,美国参议院商务委员会给我打电话,让我参加一场听证会,主题是青年文化和暴力性娱乐的关系。Two weeks after the Columbine massacre, Ludlow Colorado I got called before the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee to testify on the relationship of youth culture and violent entertainment.