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一名警察向那个绑匪射击。A policeman shot at the kidnapper.

万一司机是个绑匪怎么办?What if the driver was a kidnapper?

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私家鹅侦探能逮补真凶吗?Will Gumshoe Goose arrest the kidnapper?

绑票的人用一根绳子把这孩子勒死了。The kidnapper strangled the child with a piece of string.

绑匪要求一大笔赎款才放人。The kidnapper demanded a huge ransom to return the victim.

绑匪是尤丽亚的家教老师,见事情败露便跳楼自尽。The kidnapper is yulia tutor, see his jump off a building suicide.

绑架者被武装警察当时当地击毙。The kidnapper was shot dead then and there by the armed policeman.

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一个绑匪从一个水壶里倒了一两公斤的煤油在地上。A kidnapper poured one or two kilogram kerosene on the floor from a kettle.

正当铉圭找慧珠时,发现她被绑匪绑架塞进上了车里。While looking for Huizhu, Xuangui finds her being shoved into a car by kidnapper.

绑票者在录像中称,这是“满意其请求的最后,告诫”。The kidnapper says in kinescope , this is " the final warning that satisfies its to ask ".

偏生这拐子又租了我的房舍居住,那日拐子不在家,我也曾问他。As the kidnapper happened to rent rooms from me, one day when he was away I asked her outright.

剽窃词语源于拉丁文,意为诱拐者。The word plagiarism has been derived from the Latin word "plagiarius", which means a kidnapper.

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财旺因腹泻需停下解手,令绑匪发现了来喜沿路撒下眉豆。Wealth to stop for diarrhea, make the kidnapper found the solution hand along the road to xi and eyebrow beans.

如绑匪带你进入商店,就打掉商店的东西,打烂瓶子等,尖声喊叫你被绑架了。If your kidnapper takes you into a store, knock things down, break bottles, yell and scream that you have been kidnapped.

瑞丝与其绑架者所生的几个孩子据称从来没去看过医生,他们也从来没去过学校上学。The children that Jaycee had with her kidnapper were told have never been to a doctor and they have never been to school.

若遇见人拐带以色列中的一个弟兄,当奴才待他,或是卖了他,那拐带人的就必治死。If a man is caught kidnapping one of his brother Israelites and treats him as a slave or sells him, the kidnapper must die.

新快报讯巴西警察给一名绑架嫌疑犯起了个绰号叫“灰姑娘”,因为他在犯罪现场留下了一只运动鞋。A suspected kidnapper has been nicknamed Cinderella by police in Brazil after he left one of his trainers at the crime scene.

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这种情况只有一种可能-两个相容的个性产生完美风暴搅乱了绑匪和人质。That case appears to have been a one-off – a perfect storm of two compatible personality disorders between kidnapper and hostage.

坚决不要让孩子跟他们喜欢的人走,也不要让其他人带他们去潜在绑匪容易靠近的地方。Never to go with anyone they don't want to and don't let someone take them away from where the potential kidnapper first approaches them.

明涯通过阴阳眼知道真凶其实是花妖,它为了帮助被毁容的主人恢复容貌而走上邪路。Through the Yin and Yang eye Ming ya know kidnapper is demon, it is in order to help the disfigurement of the host looks rather to astray.